Early Breastfeeding


Percentage of children ever breastfed, put to the breast within one hour of birth (early initiation of breastfeeding), who started breastfeeding within one day of birth, and were exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth




1)      Percentage of children born in the past 2 years ever breastfed.

2)       Percentage of children born in the past 2 years who were put to the breast within one hour of birth.

3)      Percentage of last-born children born in the past 2 years who started breastfeeding within one day of birth (legacy indicator).

4)      Percentage of last-born children born in the past 2 years who were ever breastfed and who received a prelacteal feed (legacy indicator ).

5)      Percentage of children born in the past 2 years who were fed exclusively with breastmilk for the first 2 days after birth.



Population base: Children born in the 2 years preceding the survey, surviving and dead (KR file)

Time period: Two years preceding the survey



Number of children born in the past 2 years (b19 < 24), both living and dead, who:

1)      Were ever breastfed (m4 ≠ 94,99)

2)      Were put to the breast within one hour of birth (m4 ≠ 94,99 & m34 in 0,100)

3)      Started breastfeeding within one day of birth (m4 ≠ 94,99 & m34 in 0:123 [23 hours])

4)      Were ever breastfed and given something other than breastmilk during the first three days of life (m4 ≠ 94,99 & m55 = 1)

5)      Were fed exclusively with breastmilk for the first 2 days after birth (m4 ≠ 94,99 & m55 = 0)



a)       For numerator 1, 2, 5: Number of children who were born in the 2 years preceding the survey (b19 < 24)

b)      For numerator 3: Number of last-born children who were born in the 2 years preceding the survey (midx = 1 & b19 < 24)

c)       For numerator 4: Number of last-born children who were born in the 2 years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed (midx = 1 & b19 < 24 & m4 ≠ 94,99)


Variables: KR file.


Index to Birth History


Current age of child in months (months since birth for dead children)


Duration of breastfeeding


When child put to breast


Given child anything other than breastmilk


Woman’s individual sample weight




Numerator divided by denominator, multiplied by 100.


Handling of Missing Values


Missing data are excluded from numerators but are included in denominators.


Notes and Considerations


The DHS-8 indicators on ever breastfed, children who were put to the breast within one hour of birth, and who were fed exclusively with breastmilk for the first 2 days after birth are based on all children born in the 2 years preceding the survey, both alive and dead.


Changes over Time


The early breastfeeding indicators have changed over time. For DHS-IV and DHS-V surveys, the early breastfeeding indicators were reported for all children born in the 5 years before the survey. For DHS-VI and DHS-7 surveys, the indicators were reported for last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey.


For DHS-8, all early breastfeeding indicators are reported for all children born in the 2 years preceding the survey, both alive and dead.


In earlier rounds of DHS, initiation of breastfeeding within one hour and within one day of birth were calculated among the children who were ever-breastfed, whereas for the DHS-VI and DHS-7 results were based on last-born children who were born in the 2 years preceding the survey.


Hence, caution should be observed when comparing the figures in DHS-8 with the results published in the final reports for previous DHS surveys.


The prelacteal feeding indicator (ever breastfed and were given something other than breastmilk in the first 3 days after birth) has been replaced by the indicator exclusively breastfed for the first two days after birth.


The indicators early initiation of breastfeeding within one day of birth and prelacteal feeding are no longer included in the DHS-8 tabulation plan.




WHO and UNICEF 2021. Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices: definitions and measurement methods. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240018389




DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Tables 11.3 and 11.10


API Indicator IDs:


(API link, STATcompiler link)


WHO/UNICEF IYCF Indicator 1: Ever breastfed

WHO/UNICEF IYCF Indicator 2: Early initiation of breastfeeding

WHO/UNICEF IYCF Indicator 3: Exclusively breastfed for the first two days after birth

WHO 100 Core Health Indicators: Early initiation of breastfeeding

MICS6 Indicator TC.30: Children ever breastfed

MICS6 Indicator TC.31: Early initiation of breastfeeding