Access to an Insecticide-Treated Net (ITN)


Percent distribution of the household population by number of ITNs the household owns (legacy indicator)




Percent distribution of the de facto household population by number of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) the household owns.



Population base: De facto household members (PR file, HR file)

Time period: Night before the survey


Numerator: Distribution of the number of de facto persons (hv103 = 1) in the household by the number of ITNs the household owns (sum of hml10_1 – hml10_7 = 1)


Denominator: Number of persons who stayed in the household the night before the survey (hv103 = 1)


Variables: HR file, PR file.


Household identification

hml10_1 – _7

Insecticide-Treated Net (ITN)


Slept last night


Household sample weight




This indicator uses the net roster from the HR file to produce summary variables applied to the household members. First merge hml10_1 – hml10_7 from the HR file to the PR file using hhid as the variable for matching before calculating the indicator (see Matching and Merging Datasets in Chapter 1).


Numerator divided by denominator, multiplied by 100.


Handling of Missing Values


Households with missing information on ownership of nets are considered not to own nets. Nets with missing information on type are considered not to be ITNs.


Notes and Considerations


May be biased by the seasonality of the survey data collection.


Changes over Time


An insecticide-treated net (ITN) is a factory-treated net that does not require any further treatment. Prior to 2018, this was known as a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN). See Changes over Time for this chapter.


This indicator is no longer included in the standard DHS-8 tabulation plan.




See References for this chapter.




Percentage of the population with access to an ITN




Percentage of the de facto household population with access to an ITN in the household, defined as the proportion of the de facto household population who slept under an ITN if each ITN in the household were used by up to two people.



Population base: De facto household members (PR file, HR file)

Time period: Night before the survey


Numerator: Number of de facto persons (hv103 = 1) who could sleep under an ITN if each ITN in the household is used by up to 2 people, calculated for each household as the minimum of:

(1) number of de facto persons in the household (hv013), and

(2) twice the number of ITNs per household (2 * sum of hml10_1 – hml10_7 = 1)


Denominator: Number of persons who stayed in the household the night before the survey (hv103 = 1)


Variables: HR file, PR file.


Household identification

hml10_1 – _7

Insecticide-Treated Net (ITN)


Number of de facto members


Slept last night


Household sample weight




This indicator uses the net roster from the HR file to produce summary variables applied to the household members. First merge hml10_1 – hml10_7 from the HR file to the PR file using hhid as the variable for matching before calculating the indicator (see Matching and Merging Datasets in Chapter 1).


ITN access is calculated by dividing the sum of all potential ITN users in the sample by the total number of individuals who spent the previous night in surveyed households.


For the numerator, sum the total number of ITNs in the household (sum of hml10_1 – hml10_7 = 1). Calculate an intermediate variable which is “potential users” calculated by multiplying the number of ITNs in each household by 2. In households which have more than 1 ITN for every 2 people, the product of this calculation will be greater than the number of individuals who spent the previous night. In this case, the “potential users” variable in that household should be modified to reflect the number of individuals who spent the previous night in the household because the number of potential users in a household cannot exceed the number of individuals who spent the previous night in that household.


For example, in a household with 10 people and 4 ITNs, there are 8 potential users; however, in a household with 5 people and 4 ITNs, there are 5 potential users even though the number of ITNs available could cover more than 5 people.


Handling of Missing Values


Households with missing information on ownership of nets are considered not to own nets. Nets with missing information on type are considered not to be ITNs.


Notes and Considerations


This indicator is based on the assumption that 2 people can sleep under 1 ITN. For example, a household with 6 residents will require 3 ITNs. It excludes surplus ITNs in households which have more than 1 ITN for every 2 people; household-level access is limited to 100%. Some surveys collect information on more than 7 nets. Please check variable hml10_#.


May be biased by the seasonality of the survey data collection.


Stata code useful for calculating this indicator can be found in the Household Survey Indicators for Malaria Control manual.


Changes over Time


An insecticide-treated net (ITN) is a factory-treated net that does not require any further treatment. Prior to 2018, this was known as a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN). See Changes over Time for this chapter.




Kilian, A, H. Koenker, and L. Paintain. 2013. "Estimating population access to insecticide-treated nets from administrative data: correction factor is needed." Malaria journal 12(1): 259.


Koenker, H, E. Ricotta, B. Olapeju. 2018. Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITN) Access and Use Report. Baltimore, MD. PMI | VectorWorks Project, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097496


Koenker, H and A. Kilian. 2014. "Recalculating the net use gap: a multi-country comparison of ITN use versus ITN access." PLoS One 9(5): e97496.




DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Tables 12.3


The DHS Program Malaria Topics page:


DHS Indicator Snapshot: Insecticide Treated Net Access:


API Indicator IDs:


(API link, STATcompiler link)


Household Survey Indicators for Malaria Control Indicator 3: Proportion of population with access to an ITN in their household