Household Composition


Percent distribution of households by sex of head of household and by household size, mean size of households, and percentage of households with children under age 18 who are orphans or not living with a biological parent




1)      Percent distribution of households by sex of head of household.

2)      Percent distribution of households by household size.

3)      Mean size of households.

4)      Percentage of households with children under age 18 who are orphans or not living with a biological parent.



Population base: Households (HR file & PR file)

Time period: Current status at time of survey



1)      Number of households by sex of head of household (hv219)

2)      Number of households by number of usual members (hv012)

3)      Number of usual household members (hv012)

4)      Number of households with:

a)       Double orphans under age 18 (sum of d_orphan > 0)

b)      Single orphans under age 18 (sum of s_orphan > 0)

c)       Children under age 18 not living with a biological parent (sum of foster_child > 0)

d)      Orphans and/or children under age 18 not living with a biological parent (sum of d_orphan + sum of s_orphan + sum of foster_child > 0)

See Calculation below for construction of the working variables above.


Denominator: Number of households


Variables: HR file, PR file.


Number of de jure members


Usual resident


Age of household members


Mother alive


Mother’s line number


Father alive


Father’s line number


Sex of head of household


Household sample weight




Percent distributions: Numerator divided by denominator, multiplied by 100.


Mean: Numerator divided by denominator.


Percentage of households with orphans or children not living with a biological parent: Using the PR file, create binary (0/1) variables for de jure children under age 18 (hv105 in 0:17 & hv102 = 1) who are:

a)       Double orphans under age 18: Both parents are no longer alive (d_orphan = (hv111 = 0 & hv113 = 0)).

b)      Single orphans under age 18: Only one parent is no longer alive (s_orphan = ( (hv111 = 0 & hv113 ≠ 0) or (hv111 ≠ 0 & hv113 = 0 ) ) ).

c)       Children under age 18 not living with a biological parent: Whose parents are both either not listed in the household roster or are not usual members of the household. This will require merging the mother’s and the father’s residency status (hv102) from a copy of the PR file, based on the mother and father’s line numbers (hv112 or hv114) into the PR file, and then checking the residency status of the mother and the father, if they are listed in the household roster (foster_child = ( (hv112 in 0,99 or hv102(mother) <> 1) & (hv114 in 0,99 or hv102(father) <> 1) ) ).

d)      Orphans and/or children under age 18 not living with a biological parent (any of d_orphan, s_orphan, and foster_child above).

After constructing these variables, aggregate counts of these variables at the household level (collapse in Stata, aggregate in SPSS), and then merge the aggregated variables into the HR file. Finally, the numerators for each group of orphans and children not living with a biological parent are:

a)       Double orphans under age 18 (sum of d_orphan > 0)

b)      Single orphans under age 18 (sum of s_orphan > 0)

c)       Children under age 18 not living with a biological parent (sum of foster_child > 0)

d)      Orphans and/or children under age 18 not living with a biological parent (sum of d_orphan + sum of s_orphan + sum of foster_child > 0).

And the final indicators are numerator divided by denominator, multiplied by 100.


Handling of Missing Values


Households and population with missing information are included as separate categories.


Notes and Considerations


Children not living with a biological parent are those under age 18 living in households with neither their mother nor their father present.


Changes over Time


Prior to DHS-7, children under age 18 not living with a biological parent were incorrectly termed foster children. The term “foster children” refers to care by family other than a children’s own family, but DHS does not capture this information. In many cases, children who are not living with a biological parent are living with other relations; this qualifies as kinship care not formal foster care.


In some circumstances a small number of households will report zero usual members and the only persons listed in the household roster are de facto residents who stayed in the household the night before the survey. This may happen with households occupied at the time of listing but not by the time of the interview, or with vacation homes that are only used on an occasional basis.


Percent distributions add up to 100 percent.






DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Table 2.8

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