1) Percentage of households with salt tested for iodine content.
2) Percentage of households with salt, but the salt was not tested.
3) Percentage of households with no salt.
4) Percentage of households with salt tested which contained iodized salt.
Population base: Interviewed households (HR file)
Time period: Current status at time of survey
1) Number of households with salt tested for iodine content (hv234a 0 or hv234a = 1)
2) Number of households with salt, but the salt was not tested (hv234a = 6)
3) Number of households with no salt (hv234a = 3)
4) Number of households with salt tested with iodized salt (hv234a = 1)
a) For numerators 1-3: Number of households interviewed
b) For numerator 4: Number of households where salt was tested for iodine content (hv234a in 0,1)
Variables: HR file.
hv234a |
Result of salt test for iodine |
hv005 |
Household sample weight |
Numerator divided by denominator, multiplied by 100.
Missing values and “don’t know” on iodine content or whether salt was available or tested excluded from the numerators but included from the first denominator.
DHS tests household salt iodization using a Rapid Test Kit (RDK). The WHO recommends RTKs should only be used to report the proportion of household using salt containing iodine (non-iodized or iodized), because the RTK does not provide accurate estimates of the quantity of iodine in salt. DHS-V and earlier surveys reported iodine content of salt in households tested as none (0 ppm), inadequate (<15ppm), and adequate (15+ ppm) (hv234). Surveys in DHS-VI, DHS-7 and DHS-8 report the percentage of any iodized salt in households in which salt was tested.
UNICEF Iodine Monitoring https://data.unicef.org/topic/nutrition/iodine/#resources
WHO. 2007. Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders and monitoring their elimination: a guide for programme managers. 3rd ed. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241595827
DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Table 11.18
API Indicator IDs:
MICS6 Indicator TC.48: Iodized salt consumption