Percent distribution of women, by knowledge of the fertile period during the ovulatory cycle.
Population base: All women (IR file)
Time period: Current as defined by the respondent
Number of women in each base population by category of knowledge of the fertile period:
1) Just before her menstrual period begins (v217 = 4)
2) During her menstrual period (v217 = 1)
3) Right after her menstrual period has ended (v217 = 2)
4) Halfway between two menstrual periods (v217 = 3)
5) Other (v217 = 6)
6) No specific time (v217 = 5)
7) Don't know (v217 = 8)
8) Missing (v217 = 9)
a) All women
b) Women who currently use periodic abstinence (rhythm method) (v312 = 8)
c) Women who currently use the standard days method (SDM) (v312 = 18)
Variables: IR file.
v217 |
Knowledge of ovulatory cycle |
v312 |
Current contraceptive method |
v005 |
Woman’s individual sample weight |
Numerator divided by the denominator, multiplied by 100. Categories add to 100 percent total.
Women who did not know or have a missing value for knowledge of the fertile period are included as separate categories in the distribution.
In prior rounds of DHS, these indicators have been presented for non-current users of periodic abstinence as well as current users of periodic abstinence. In DHS-7 the population base for users of standard days method was added.
Institute for Reproductive Health. 2013. Fertility Awareness across the Life Course: A comprehensive literature review. FAM Project. Washington, DC. Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University.
DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Table 7.8
API Indicator IDs:
Percentage of women with correct knowledge of the fertile period during the ovulatory cycle, by age groups.
Population base: All women in five-year age groups (15-19, 20-24 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49) (IR file)
Time period: Current status at time of survey
Numerator: Number of women with correct knowledge of the fertile period (v217 = 3) in each age category. Correct knowledge of fertile period is defined as “halfway between two menstrual periods”.
Denominator: Number of women in each age group (v013)
Variables: IR file.
v013 |
Age in 5-year groups |
v217 |
Knowledge of ovulatory cycle |
v005 |
Woman’s individual sample weight |
Numerator divided by the denominator, multiplied by 100.
Women who did not know or have a missing value for knowledge of the fertile period are excluded from the numerator but included in the denominators.
DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Table 7.9
API Indicator IDs: