Indicators of Women’s Empowerment


Percentage of currently married women who participate in all decision making, and percentage who disagree with all of the reasons justifying wife-beating




1)      Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who usually make all three specific decisions either alone or jointly with their husband for:

a)       Own health care.

b)      Large household purchases.

c)       Visits to family or relatives.

2)      Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who disagree with all of the specific reasons justifying wife-beating:

a)       Burning food.

b)      Arguing with him.

c)       Going out without telling him.

d)      Neglecting the children.

e)      Refusing to have sexual intercourse with him.



Population base: Currently married women age 15-49 (IR file, MR file)

Time period: Current status at time of survey



1)      Number of currently married women age 15-49 who usually make specific decisions alone or jointly with their husband for:

a)       Own health care (v743a in 1:2), and

b)      Large household purchases (v743b in 1:2), and

c)       Visits to family or relatives (v743d in 1:2)

2)      Number of currently married women age 15-49 (v502 = 1) who disagree with all of the specific reasons justifying wife-beating:

a)       Burning food (v744e ≠ 1), and

b)      Arguing with him (v744c ≠ 1), and

c)       Going out without telling him (v744a ≠ 1), and

d)      Neglecting the children (v744b ≠ 1), and

e)      Refusing to have sexual intercourse with him (v744d ≠ 1)


Denominator: Number of currently married women age 15-49 (v502 = 1)


Variables: IR file.


Currently/formerly/never in union


Person who usually decides on respondent's health care


Person who usually decides on large household purchases


Person who usually decides on visits to family or relatives


Beating justified if wife goes out without telling husband


Beating justified if wife neglects the children


Beating justified if wife argues with husband


Beating justified if wife refuses to have sex with husband


Beating justified if wife burns the food


Women's sample weight




Numerator divided by the denominator multiplied by 100.


Handling of Missing Values


Missing values on who usually make specific decisions are assumed to be someone other than the respondent and are excluded from the numerators. Missing values on attitudes towards wife beating are assumed to not be agreeing and are included in the numerators and the denominator.


Notes and Considerations


See Notes and Considerations for Participation in Decision Making and Attitude towards Wife Beating.


Changes over Time


See Changes over Time for Participation in Decision Making and Attitude towards Wife Beating.




Kishor, S., and L. Subaiya. 2008. Understanding Women’s Empowerment: A Comparative Analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Data. DHS Comparative Reports No. 20. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Macro International Inc.


Ewerling, F., F. C. Wehrmeister, C. G. Victora, A. Raj, L. McDougal, and A. J. Barros. 2021. "Is Women’s Empowerment Associated with Coverage of Rmnch Interventions in Low-and Middle-Income Countries? An Analysis Using a Survey-Based Empowerment Indicator, the Swper." Journal of Global Health 11.


Upadhyay, U. D., J. D. Gipson, M. Withers, S. Lewis, E. J. Ciaraldi, A. Fraser, M. J. Huchko, and N. Prata. 2014. "Women's Empowerment and Fertility: A Review of the Literature." Social Science & Medicine 115: 111-120.




DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Table 15.13W


API Indicator IDs:


(API link, STATcompiler link)


Percentage of currently married women who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use, and reproductive health care




Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who usually makes decisions about own healthcare, either alone or jointly, and can say no to their husband if they do not want to have sexual intercourse, and makes the decision, either alone or jointly, whether or not to use contraception.



Population base: Currently married women age 15-49 (IR file)

Time period: Current status at time of survey



Number of currently married women age 15-49 who:

1)      usually make specific decisions alone or jointly with their husband for own health care (v743a in 1:2), and

2)      can say no to their husband if they do not want to have sexual intercourse (v502 = 1 & v850a = 1), and

3)      usually makes the decision, either alone or jointly to use contraception or not (v632 = 1,3)


Denominator: Number of currently married women age 15-49 (v502 = 1)


Variables: IR file.


Currently/formerly/never in union


Person who usually makes decisions about: respondent's health care


Respondent can refuse sex


Decision maker for using contraception or not


Women's sample weight




Numerators divided by the denominator multiplied by 100.


Handling of Missing Values


Missing values on who usually make specific decisions are assumed to be someone other than the respondent and are excluded from the numerators.


Notes and Considerations


See Notes and Considerations for Participation in Decision Making and Ability to Negotiate Sexual Relations with Husband.


Changes over Time


See Changes over Time for Participation in Decision Making and Ability to Negotiate Sexual Relations with Husband.


Prior to about 2000, decision maker for using contraception was not collected from women who were using contraception.




MacQuarrie, K. L. D., and A. Aziz. 2022. "Women's Decision-Making and Contraceptive Use in Pakistan: An Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey Data." Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 29 (2).




DHS-8 Tabulation plan: Table 15.12


API Indicator IDs:


(API link, STATcompiler link)