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Incentivizing universal safe delivery in Nepal: 10?years of experience
Author(s): Ensor T, Bhatt H, and Tiwari S
Journal: Health Policy and Planning (OCT 2017) , 32(8):1185-1192. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czx070
Topic(s): Maternal Health
Country(s): Nepal
Spatial Distribution of Malnutrition among Children Under Five in Nigeria: A Bayesian Quantile Regression Approach
Author(s): Ezra Gayawan, Samson B. Adebayo, Akinola A. Komolafe, and Abayomi A. Akomolafe
Journal: Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy (OCT 2017) , Volume 12
Topic(s): Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Child Health and Development , Geographic Information , Nutrition , Survey Methodology, Data Quality, Analysis
Country(s): Nigeria
Spatial Distribution of Determinants of Malnutrition of Children under Five Years in Rwanda: SimultaneousMeasurement of Three Anthropometric Indices
Author(s): F. Habyarimana, T. Zewotir, S. Ramroop, and D. G. Ayele
Journal: Journal of Human Ecology (OCT 2017) , 54(3): 138-149; DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Rwanda
Are the timings and risk factors changing? Survival analysis of timing of first antenatal care visit among pregnant women in Nigeria (2003–2013)
Author(s): Fagbamigbe AF, Mashabe B, Lepetu L, and Abel C
Journal: International Journal of Women’s Health (OCT 2017) , 2017(9): 807-819; DOI
Topic(s): Gender , Maternal Health
Country(s): Nigeria
Determinants of Poverty of Households in Rwanda: An Application of Quantile Regression
Author(s): Faustin Habyarimana, Temesgen Zewotir, and Shaun Ramroop
Journal: Journal of Human Ecology (OCT 2017) , 50(1): 19-30; DOI:
Topic(s): Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Rwanda
Women's Work, Gender Roles, and Intimate Partner Violence in Nigeria
Author(s): Gage AJ, and Thomas NJ
Journal: Archives of Sexual Behavior (OCT 2017) , 46(7):1923-1938. doi: 10.1007/s10508-017-1023-4
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Gender
Country(s): Nigeria
The relationship between history of hormonal contraceptive use and iron status among women in Tanzania: A population-based study
Author(s): Haile ZT, Kingori C, Teweldeberhan AK, and Chavan B
Journal: Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (OCT 2017) , 13:97-102. doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2017.07.003
Topic(s): Anemia , Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Family Planning , Malaria , Nutrition
Country(s): Tanzania
Situation and determinants of the infant and young child feeding (IYCF) indicators in Madagascar: analysis of the 2009 Demographic and Health Survey
Author(s): Hasina Rakotomanana; Gail E. Gates, Deana Hildebrand and Barbara J. Stoecker
Journal: BMC Public Health (OCT 2017) , BMC Public HealthBMC series- open, inclusive and trusted201717:812/ © The Author(s). 2017
Topic(s): Nutrition
Country(s): Madagascar
Association between contraceptive use and socio-demographic factors of young fecund women in Bangladesh
Author(s): Islam AZ, Rahman M, and Mostofa MG
Journal: Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (OCT 2017) , 13:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2017.05.001
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Bangladesh
Complementary feeding practices: Current global and regional estimates
Author(s): Jessica M. White, France Begin, Richard Kumapley, Colleen Murray, Julia Krasevec
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (OCT 2017) , Published online; DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12505
Topic(s): Nutrition
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Unmet/met Need for Contraception and Self-Reported Abortion in Ghana
Author(s): Joshua Amo-Adjei, and Eugene K M Darteh
Journal: Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (OCT 2017) , 13: 118-124; DOI: 10.1016/j.srhc.2017.02.002
Topic(s): Family Planning , Maternal Health
Country(s): Ghana
Diet quality and risk of stunting among infants and young children in low- and middle-income countries
Author(s): Julia Krasevec, Xiaoyi An, Richard Kumapley, France Begin, Edward A. Frongillo
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (OCT 2017) , 13(Suppl 2): e12430; DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12430
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Factors behind the Preference in Contraceptives Use among Non-pregnant and Sexually Active Women in Benin Republic
Author(s): Justin Dansou, Adeyemi O. Adekunle, and Ayodele O. Arowojolu
Journal: Central African Journal of Public Health (OCT 2017) , 3(5): 80-89; DOI: 10.11648/j.cajph.20170305.15
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Benin
State of inequality in malaria intervention coverage in sub-Saharan African countries
Author(s): Katya Galactionova, Thomas A. Smith, Don de Savigny, and Melissa A. Penny
Journal: BMC Medicine (OCT 2017) , 15:185; DOI 10.1186/s12916-017-0948-8
Topic(s): Malaria , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Demand for HIV Testing and Condom Use in Malawi
Author(s): Kpoti Kitissou, and Bong Joon Yoon
Journal: New York Economic Review (OCT 2017) , 48: 21
Topic(s): Family Planning , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Malawi
Suami SIAGA: male engagement in maternal health in Indonesia
Author(s): Kurniati A, Chen CM, Efendi F, Elizabeth Ku LJ, and Berliana SM
Journal: Health Policy and Planning (OCT 2017) , 32(8):1203-1211. DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czx073
Topic(s): Maternal Health
Country(s): Indonesia
Determinants of Childhood Mortality in South Africa: Using Categorical Data Modeling
Author(s): Kwabena A. Kyei
Journal: Journal of Human Ecology (OCT 2017) , 37(1): 47-56; DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality , Survey Methodology, Data Quality, Analysis
Country(s): South Africa
Early breastfeeding practices: Descriptive analysis of recent Demographic and Health Surveys
Author(s): Laura Oakley, Lenka Benova, David Macleod, Caroline A. Lynch, and Oona M.R. Campbell
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (OCT 2017) , [Epub ahead of print]; DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12535
Topic(s): Maternal Health , Nutrition , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Determinants of adolescent fertility in Malawi
Author(s): Martin E. Palamuleni
Journal: Gender and Behaviour (OCT 2017) , 15(4)
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Youth
Country(s): Malawi
Demographic and Socio-economic Factors Affecting Contraceptive Use in Malawi
Author(s): Martin Enock Palamuleni
Journal: Journal of Human Ecology (OCT 2017) , 46(3): 331-341; DOI:
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Malawi
Prevalence and associated determinants of malaria parasites among Kenyan children
Author(s): Marufa Sultana, Nurnabi Sheikh, Rashidul Alam Mahumud, Tania Jahir, Ziaul Islam, and Abdur Razzaque Sarker
Journal: Tropical Medicine and Health (OCT 2017) , 45: 25; DOI: 10.1186/s41182-017-0066-5
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Malaria
Country(s): Kenya
Birth Order, Stage of Infancy and Infant Mortality in India
Author(s): Mishra SK, Ram B, Singh A, and Yadav A
Journal: Journal of Biosocial Science (OCT 2017) , page 1-22; doi: 10.1017/S0021932017000487
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): India
Child Mortality Transition among Children Born to Adolescent Mothers in India: A Study Based on National Family Health Survey (NFHS) Data.
Author(s): Murthy, M. S. R.
Journal: Journal of Human Ecology (OCT 2017) , 34(1): 101-106, DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): India
Risk factors of poor complementary feeding practices in Pakistani children aged 6-23 months: A multilevel analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey 2012-2013
Author(s): Na M, Aguayo VM, Arimond M, and Stewart CP
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (OCT 2017) , 13(Suppl 2); DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12463
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Pakistan
Neonatal mortality in Jordan: secondary analysis of Jordan Population and Family Health Survey (JPFHS) data
Author(s): Nail Obeidat, Yousef Khader, Anwar Batieha, Nadin Abdel Razeq, Nihaya Al-Sheyab, and Mohammad Khassawneh
Journal: Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine (OCT 2017) ,
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Education , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Jordan
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