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Attention Users: Due to the on-going review of US foreign assistance programs, The DHS Program is currently on pause.
We are unable to respond to any data or other requests at this time. We ask for your patience.

New Users Register
Before you can download datasets, you must register as a DHS data user. Dataset access is only granted for legitimate research purposes. Learn more about data restrictions, why we require registration, how to request access or view a list of available datasets.
Please be aware that re-distribution of any DHS micro-level data, either directly or within any tool/dashboard, is not permitted.

Model Datasets Available
If you would like to try out some data files we have provided some example model datasets for which you do not need to register.

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(passwords are case sensitive)

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Enter the e-mail address you used when registering with us and we will e-mail instructions on creating a new password.

  Please see our privacy policy for datasets users.
  For questions or comments about obtaining data, please contact: