Data Tools and Manuals

Data Manuals

  • Guide to DHS Statistics
    The Online Guide to DHS Statistics is a reference to help users who work with DHS survey indicators and datasets to better understand indicator definitions and the calculations used to generate the survey results. Click here to download the PDF version of the guide.
  • DHS Recode Manual
    The Recode Manual provides the information necessary to understand these datasets. It describes each data file and the variables contained in them. Dataset users are strongly encouraged to download the DHS recode manual for use with all recode files.
  • DHS Data Editing and Imputation
    This paper presents the methodology used by DHS for the editing and imputation of data. The paper focuses primarily on the editing of dates of events, and the imputation of incomplete dates. The paper discusses various approaches to the problems of partial and inconsistent data, and the need for procedures to handle these data.

Data Tools

The Select Utility program is no longer supported by DHS and no longer available for download.


For questions or comments about obtaining data, please contact:


Download Datasets

The DHS Program is authorized to distribute, at no cost, unrestricted survey data files for legitimate academic research. Registration is required for access to data.

Guide to Using Datasets