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A decade of inequality in maternity care: antenatal care, professional attendance at delivery, and caesarean section in Bangladesh (1991-2004)
Author(s): Simon M Collin , Iqbal Anwar and Carine Ronsmans
Journal: International Journal for Equity in Health (AUG 2007) , 6:9doi:10.1186/1475-9276-6-9
Topic(s): Maternal Health
Country(s): Bangladesh
Lactational amenorrhoea method for family planning and women empowerment in Egypt
Author(s): Afi fi M
Journal: Singapore Medical Journal (JUL 2007) , 48 (8) : 758-762
Topic(s): Family Planning , Gender
Country(s): Egypt
Barriers to the utilization of maternal health care in rural Mali
Author(s): Anastasia J. Gage
Journal: Social Science and Medicine (JUL 2007) , In press
Topic(s): Maternal Health , Other
Country(s): Mali
Environmental risk factors and prevalence of asthma, tuberculosis and jaundice in India
Author(s): Arokiasamy, P.; Karthick, K.; Pradhan, J.
Journal: International Journal of Environment and Health (JUL 2007) , Volume 1, Number 2, 21 July 2007 , pp. 221-242(22)
Topic(s): Adult Health Issues , Climate and environment
Country(s): India
Female autonomy as a contributing factor to women's HIV-related knowledge and behaviour in three culturally contrasting States in India.
Author(s): Bloom SS, Griffiths PL.
Journal: Journal of Biosocial Science (JUL 2007) , Jul2007, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p557, 17p
Topic(s): Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): India
Falling fertility and rising anaemia?
Author(s): Bose, A.
Journal: Economic and Political Weekly (JUL 2007) , Vol 41, Num 37, Page: 3923-3926
Topic(s): Anemia , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Malaria , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Overlapping Identities under Liberalization: Gender and Caste in India
Author(s): Deshpande, Ashwini
Journal: Economic Development and Cultural Change (JUL 2007) , July 2007, v. 55, iss. 4, pp. 735-60
Topic(s): Gender , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Maternal Health
Country(s): India
Concern on prevalence of anaemia in pregnant and lactating women in India
Author(s): Gupta, K., F. Arnold, S. Kishor, S. Parasuraman
Journal: Indian Journal of Medical Research (JUL 2007) , Vol 125, Page: 99-101
Topic(s): Anemia , Malaria , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Assessing regional differences in contraceptive discontinuation, failure and switching in Brazil
Author(s): Iuri C Leite (; Neeru Gupta (
Journal: Reproductive Health (JUL 2007) , 4:6
Topic(s): Family Planning , Maternal Health
Country(s): Brazil
Reviewing Reproductive and Child Health Programmes in India
Journal: Economic and Political Weekly (JUL 2007) , Economic and Political Weekly, July 14, 2007
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Maternal Health , Other
Country(s): India
Geographical disparities in core population coverage indicators for Roll Back Malaria in Malawi.
Author(s): Kazembe LN, Appleton CC, Kleinschmidt I
Journal: International Journal for Equity in Health (JUL 2007) , 2007 Jul 4;6(1):5.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Geographic Information , Malaria , Maternal Health
Country(s): Malawi
Modelling the effect of malaria endemicity on spatial variations in childhood fever, diarrhoea and pneumonia in Malawi
Author(s): Lawrence N Kazembe, Adamson S Muula, Chirstopher C Appleton and Immo Kleinschmidt
Journal: International Journal of Health Geographics (JUL 2007) , 2007, 6:33
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Geographic Information , Malaria
Country(s): Malawi
Economic Disparity and Child Survival in Cambodia
Author(s): R Hong; V Mishra; J Michael
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (JUL 2007) , 2007 Vol. 19 No. 2
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Infant and Child Mortality , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Cambodia
Contextual Influences on Modern Contraceptive Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Rob Stephenson, Angela Baschieri, Steve Clements, Monique Hennink, Nyovani Madise
Journal: American Journal of Public Health (JUL 2007) , 97(7): 1233–1240. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2005.071522
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
The height of women in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of health, nutrition, and income in childhood
Journal: Annals of Human Biology (JUL 2007) , July–August 2007; 34(4): 397–410
Topic(s): Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Infant and Child Mortality , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Determinants of vaccination coverage in Malawi: Evidence from the demographic and health surveys.
Author(s): A C Munthali
Journal: Malawi Medical Journal (JUN 2007) , Vol. 19 (2) 2007: pp. 79-82
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): Malawi
Effects of modernisation on desired fertility in Egypt
Author(s): Angela Baschieri * (
Journal: Population, Space and Place (JUN 2007) , Volume 13, Issue 5 , Pages 353 - 376
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Geographic Information
Country(s): Egypt
Effects of antenatal care services on birthweight: importance of model specification and empirical procedure used in estimating the marginal productivity of health inputs
Author(s): Celik Y, Younis MZ.
Journal: Journal of Medical Systems (JUN 2007) , 31(3):197-204.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Maternal Health
Country(s): Turkey
Urban-rural differences in the socioeconomic deprivation-sexual behavior link in Kenya
Author(s): Dodoo F.N., E.M. Zulu, A.C. Ezeh
Journal: Social Science and Medicine (JUN 2007) , Vol 64, Num 5, Page: 1019-1031
Topic(s): Family Planning , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Kenya
Development of a proxy wealth index for women utilizing emergency obstetric care in Bangladesh
Author(s): Emma Pitchforth, Edwin van Teijlingen, Wendy Graham and Ann Fitzmaurice
Journal: Health Policy and Planning (JUN 2007) , 2007 22(5):311-319
Topic(s): Health facilities/SPA surveys , Maternal Health , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Bangladesh
Socioeconomic and demographic correlates of tobacco use and alcoholic consumption among Indian women
Author(s): GK Mini
Journal: Indian Journal of Community Medicine (JUN 2007) , 32(2): 150-151; DOI: 10.4103/0970-0218.35662
Topic(s): Adult Health Issues , Maternal Health
Country(s): India
Wealth, Wealth Indices and HIV Risk in East Africa
Author(s): Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer
Journal: International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (formerly: International Family Planning Perspectives) (JUN 2007) , Volume 33, Number 2, June 2007
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Constrained Contraceptive Choice: IUD Prevalence in Uzbekistan
Author(s): Jennifer Barrett and Cynthia Buckley
Journal: International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (formerly: International Family Planning Perspectives) (JUN 2007) , Volume 33, (2):50–57
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Uzbekistan
A Bayesian multinomial model to analyse spatial patterns of childhood co-morbidity in Malawi
Author(s): Lawrence N. Kazembe; Jimmy J. Namangale
Journal: European Journal of Epidemiology (JUN 2007) , Volume 22, Number 8
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Geographic Information , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Malawi
The Reach and Effect of Radio Communication Campaigns on Condom Use in Malawi
Author(s): Meekers, Dominique; Van Rossem, Ronan; Silva, Martha; Koleros, Andrew
Journal: Studies in Family Planning (JUN 2007) , Volume 38, Number 2, June 2007 , pp. 113-120(8); DOI:
Topic(s): Family Planning , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Malawi
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