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Results (1751 - 1775) of 1961 Page(s): Previous  << 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Next
Are Female Orphans at Risk for Early Marriage, Early Sexual Debut, and Teen Pregnancy? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Palermo, Tia; Peterman, Amber
Journal: Studies in Family Planning (JUN 2009) , Volume 40, Number 2, June 2009 , pp. 101-112(12); DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Author(s): Rosenberg, Jared
Journal: International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (formerly: International Family Planning Perspectives) (JUN 2009) , Jun2009, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p57-57, 1/4p
Topic(s): Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Child Health and Development , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Proximate sources of population sex imbalance in India
Author(s): Emily Oster
Journal: Demography (MAY 2009) , Volume 46 - Number 2, May 2009: 325-339
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): India
Maternal height and child mortality in 42 developing countries
Author(s): Monden CW, and Smits J
Journal: American Journal of Human Biology (MAY 2009) , 21(3): 305-11; DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.20860
Topic(s): Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Undernutrition & risk of infections in preschool children
Author(s): Prema Ramachandran & Hema S. Gopalan
Journal: Indian Journal of Medical Research (MAY 2009) , November 2009, pp 579-583
Topic(s): Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Maternal age at birth and under-5 mortality in Nigeria
Author(s): Ayotunde T, Mary O, Melvin AO, Faniyi FF.
Journal: East African Journal of Public Health (APR 2009) , 6(1):11-4.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality , Maternal Health
Country(s): Nigeria
The distribution and effects of child mortality risk factors in Ethiopia: A comparison of estimates from DSS and DHS
Author(s): Edward Fottrell, Fikre Enquselassie, Peter Byass
Journal: Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (APR 2009) , 2009;23(2):163-168
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Ethiopia
Prevalence and Treatment of childhood diarrhea among Nigerian ethnic groups
Author(s): Fayehun O.A and Omololu O.O.
Journal: The Nigerian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (APR 2009) , Vol. 7: 14-28
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): Nigeria
Tetanus toxoid vaccination coverage and differential between urban and rural areas of Bangladesh
Author(s): Rahman M.
Journal: East African Journal of Public Health (APR 2009) , 6(1):26-31.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Bangladesh
Micronutrient profile of children and women in rural Bangladesh: study on available data for iron and vitamin A supplementation
Author(s): Rahman M.
Journal: East African Journal of Public Health (APR 2009) , 6(1):102-7.
Topic(s): Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Child Health and Development , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Bangladesh
Timing of children's vaccinations in 45 low-income and middle-income countries: an analysis of survey data
Author(s): Andrew Clark MA, Dr Colin Sanderson PhD
Journal: Lancet (MAR 2009) , Early Online Publication, 20 March 2009
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): Multiple Asian Countries, Multiple African Countries, Multiple L.A./Caribbean Countries, Multiple Regions
Prevalence of child marriage and its effect on fertility and fertility-control outcomes of young women in India: a cross-sectional, observational study
Author(s): Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Donta Balaiah, Jay G Silverman
Journal: Lancet (MAR 2009) , Early Online Publication, 10 March 2009
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender
Country(s): India
Acute Malnutrition in Bangladeshi Children: Levels and Determinants
Author(s): Azizur Rahman, Soma Chowdhury, Delwar Hossain
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (MAR 2009) , 2009. Vol. 21 no. 3: 294-302
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Bangladesh
What difference do the new WHO child growth standards make for the prevalence and socioeconomic distribution of undernutrition?
Author(s): Ergo A, Gwatkin DR, Shekar M.
Journal: Food and Nutrition Bulletin (MAR 2009) , 30(1):3-15.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Joint spatial modelling of common morbidities of childhood fever and diarrhoea in Malawi
Author(s): Lawrence N. Kazembe, Adamson S. Muula and Christopher Simoonga
Journal: Health and Place (MAR 2009) , Volume 15, Issue 1, March 2009, Pages 165-172 doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2008.03.009
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Survey Methodology, Data Quality, Analysis
Country(s): Malawi
Decomposing socio-economic inequality in childhood malnutrition in Nigeria
Author(s): Uthman OA.
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (MAR 2009) , 5(4): 358 - 367
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Nigeria
Inequitable childhood immunization uptake in Nigeria: A multilevel analysis of individual and contextual determinants
Author(s): Diddy Antai
Journal: BMC Infectious Diseases (FEB 2009) , 2009, 9:181doi:10.1186/1471-2334-9-181
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): Nigeria
Causes for the decline in child under-nutrition in Brazil, 1996-2007.
Author(s): Monteiro CA, Benicio MH, Konno SC, Silva AC, Lima AL, Conde WL.
Journal: Revista de Saúde Pública (FEB 2009) , 43(1):35-43.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Brazil
Survival of newborns: implications for achieving the millennium development goal in Bangladesh
Author(s): Saha S, Kabir M.
Journal: World Health and Population (FEB 2009) , 11(1):5-13.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Bangladesh
Faith and child survival: the role of religion in childhood immunization in Nigeria
Author(s): Antai, D.
Journal: Journal of Biosocial Science (JAN 2009) , 2009 Jan; 41(1):57-76.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Nigeria
Identifying the determinants of childhood immunization in the Philippines
Author(s): Bondy JN, Thind A, Koval JJ, Speechley KN.
Journal: Vaccine (JAN 2009) , 27(1):169-75. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2008.08.042.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): Philippines
Maternal autonomy and child nutrition: Evidence from rural Nepal.
Author(s): Diane Dancer, Anu Rammohan
Journal: Indian Growth and Development Review (JAN 2009) , Volume 2, Issue 1, Page 18-38
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Nepal
Polygynous marital structure and child survivorship in sub-Saharan Africa: some empirical evidence from Ghana
Author(s): Gyimah SO.
Journal: Social Science and Medicine (JAN 2009) , 68(2):334-42. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.09.067. Epub 2008 Dec 6
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Ghana
Maternal autonomy is inversely related to child stunting in Andhra Pradesh, India
Author(s): Shroff M, Griffiths P, Adair L, Suchindran C, Bentley M.
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (JAN 2009) , 5(1): 64-74
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Gender , Nutrition
Country(s): India
India’s Disturbing Health Card
Author(s): Ashish Bose
Journal: Economic and Political Weekly (DEC 2008) , VOL 42 No. 50 December 15 – December 21, 2008,
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Maternal Health
Country(s): India
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