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Results (426 - 450) of 878 Page(s): Previous  << 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 >>  Next
Predictors of discontinuation of contraceptive use among Nigerian women: Results of 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys
Author(s): Azuike E.C., Ikeako L.C., Ezeobi I., Ezebialu I.U., Umeobika J.C., Obi K.M., Anene J.O., and Azuike E.D.
Journal: Journal of Scientific Research and Studies (JUL 2017) , 4(7): 171-176;
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Nigeria
Trends in the age at reproductive transitions in the developing world: The role of education
Author(s): Bongaarts J, Mensch BS, and Blanc AK
Journal: Population Studies (JUL 2017) , 71(2):139-154. doi: 10.1080/00324728.2017.1291986
Topic(s): Education , Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health , Youth
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Predictors of contraceptive use among migrant and non-migrant couples in Nigeria
Author(s): Emmanuel Kolawole Odusina, and Olugbemiga Adeyemi
Journal: Gender and Behaviour (JUL 2017) , 15(3): 1-15
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Maternal Health
Country(s): Nigeria
Determinants of condom use among currently married men in Zambia
Author(s): Kusathan Thankian, S.O.C. Mwaba, J Jere-Folotiya, G Hapunda, and A.J. Menon
Journal: IJAH: International Journal of Arts and Humanities (JUL 2017) , 6(3): 65-79; DOI: 10.4314/ijah.v6i3.6
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Zambia
A District Level Investigation of Family Planning Program in Rural India: Stagnant or Progressive?
Author(s): Nizamuddin Khan, Abhishek Gautam, Gopal Agrawal, and Tilottama Ghosh
Journal: Demography India (JUL 2017) , 46(2): 53-67
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): India
Fear, opposition, ambivalence, and omission: Results from a follow-up study on unmet need for family planning in Ghana
Author(s): Sarah Staveteig
Journal: PLOS ONE (JUL 2017) , 12(7): e0182076. DOI:
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Ghana
Inequities in utilization of reproductive and maternal health services in Ethiopia
Author(s): Firew Tekle Bobo, Elias Ali Yesuf, and Mirkuzie Woldie
Journal: International Journal for Equity in Health (JUN 2017) , 16(1): 105; DOI: 10.1186/s12939-017-0602-2
Topic(s): Family Planning , Maternal Health , Other , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Ethiopia
Intimate Partner Violence and Contraceptive Use in India: The Moderating Influence of Conflicting Fertility Preferences and Contraceptive Intentions
Author(s): Forrest W, Arunachalam D, and Navaneetham K
Journal: Journal of Biosocial Science (JUN 2017) , page 1-15. doi: 10.1017/S002193201700013X
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender
Country(s): India
Unmet need for contraception and its association with unintended pregnancy in Bangladesh
Author(s): Ghose Bishwajit, Shangfeng Tang, Sanni Yaya, and Zhanchun Feng
Journal: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (JUN 2017) , 17:186; DOI: 10.1186/s12884-017-1379-4
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Bangladesh
Scaling up contraceptives use in the division with lowest contraceptives use in Bangladesh: sources, methods, and determinants
Author(s): Gulam Muhammed Al Kibria, Vanessa Burrowes, Sharmin Majumder, Atia Sharmeen, Rifath Ara Alam Barsha, and Shakir Hossen
Journal: Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology (JUN 2017) , 3:10; DOI: 10.1186/s40748-017-0049-x
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Bangladesh
Microfinance participation and contraceptive use: does control over resources matter?
Author(s): Murshid NS, and Ely GE
Journal: Journal of Public Health (JUN 2017) , 39(2):e27-e32. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdw066
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Bangladesh
Parity Progression Analysis to Study the Urban-rural Differentials in Fertility in Uttar Pradesh
Author(s): Padum Narayan, Arvind Pandey, Dilip C. Nath, and Saritha Nair
Journal: Janasamkhya (JUN 2017) , Vol. XXXV
Topic(s): Education , Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): India
Correlates of use of modern family planning methods among women in Nigeria: A secondary analysis of NDHS 2013
Author(s): Azuike EC, Ikeako LC, Azuike ED, Joe-Ikechebelu NN, Nwachukwu CC, Umeh UM,
Journal: Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (MAY 2017) , 6(5):079-085
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Nigeria
Health Care Factors Influencing Teen Mothers’ Use Of Contraceptives in Malawi
Author(s): Kennedy Machira, and Martin E. Palamuleni
Journal: Ghana Medical Journal (APR 2017) , 51(2): 88-93 DOI: 10.4314/gmj.v51i2.7
Topic(s): Education , Family Planning , Maternal Health , Youth
Country(s): Malawi
Associations of women's position in the household and food insecurity with family planning use in Nepal
Author(s): Nadia Diamond-Smith, Anita Raj, Ndola Prata, and Sheri D Weiser
Journal: PLOS ONE (APR 2017) , 12(4):e0176127 DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0176127
Topic(s): Family Planning , Gender , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Nepal
HIV/sexually transmitted infections and intimate partner violence: Results from the Togo 2013–2014 Demographic and Health Survey
Author(s): Nguyen AH, Giuliano AR, Mbah AK, and Sanchez-Anguiano A
Journal: International Journal of STD & AIDS (APR 2017) , First Published online April 29, 2017; DOI: 10.1177/0956462417705970
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Family Planning , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Togo
Determinants of modern contraceptive use among sexually active men in Kenya
Author(s): Ochako R, Temmerman M, Mbondo M, and Askew I
Journal: Reproductive Health (APR 2017) , 14(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s12978-017-0316-3
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Kenya
Unmet need for Family Planning and Unintended Fertility in Odisha, India
Author(s): Ranjana Kar
Journal: Demography India (APR 2017) , Special Issue(2017): 77-89
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Maternal Health
Country(s): India
Levels and trends in contraceptive prevalence, unmet need, and demand for family planning for 29 states and union territories in India: a modelling study using the Family Planning Estimation Tool
Author(s): Jin Rou New, Niamh Cahill, John Stover, Yogender Pal Gupta, and Leontine Alkema
Journal: Lancet Global Health (MAR 2017) , 5(3): e350–e358
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): India
Covariates of Multiple Sexual Partnerships among Sexually Active Men in Lesotho
Author(s): Karabo E. Mhele
Journal: African Journal of Reproductive Health (MAR 2017) , 21(1): 73; DOI: 10.29063/ajrh2017/v21i1.6
Topic(s): Adult Health Issues , Family Planning , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Lesotho
Reckoning females’ education as a determinant of fertility control in Pakistan: An empirical approach
Author(s): Qurra-tul-ain Ali Sheikh, Mahpara Sadaqat, and Muhammad Meraj
Journal: International Journal of Social Economics (MAR 2017) , 44(3): 414-444; DOI: 10.1108/IJSE-01-2015-0007
Topic(s): Education , Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Pakistan
Women's Autonomy and Attitudes toward Condom Use: A Multicountry Analysis
Author(s): Bonita B Sharma, Eusebius Small, Cecilia Mengo, and Paula Ude
Journal: Social Work in Public Health (FEB 2017) , 32(4): 238-253; DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2016.1275073
Topic(s): Family Planning , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Predictors of Time-to-Contraceptive Use from Resumption of Sexual Intercourse after Birth among Women in Uganda
Author(s): Robert Wamala, Allen Kabagenyi, and Simon Kasasa
Journal: International Journal of Population Research (FEB 2017) , 2017(Article ID 3875452): 1-12; DOI: 10.1155/2017/3875452
Topic(s): Family Planning , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Uganda
Factors influencing contraceptive use and non-use among women of advanced reproductive age in Nigeria
Author(s): Bola Lukman Solanke
Journal: Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition (JAN 2017) , 36(1):1-14; DOI 10.1186/s41043-016-0077-6
Topic(s): Family Planning
Country(s): Nigeria
Contraceptive Use in Ghana: What about Women Empowerment?
Author(s): Edward Kwabena Ameyaw, Francis Appiah, Catherine Selorm Agbesi, and Patience Kannor
Journal: Advances in Sexual Medicine (JAN 2017) , 7: 44-64; DOI: 10.4236/asm.2017.71004
Topic(s): Family Planning , Gender
Country(s): Ghana
Web: DOI: 10.4236/asm.2017.71004
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