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Comparison of Methods of Handling Missing Data: A Case Study of KDHS 2010 Data
Author(s): Shelmith Nyagathiri Kariuki, Anthony Waititu Gichuhi, and Anthony Kibira Wanjoya
Journal: American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (MAY 2015) , 4(3): 192-200; doi: 10.11648/j.ajtas.20150403.26
Topic(s): Survey Methodology, Data Quality, Analysis
Country(s): Kenya
Association between HIV programs and quality of maternal health inputs and processes in Kenya
Author(s): Kruk ME, Jakubowski A, Rabkin M, Kimanga DO, Kundu F, Lim T, Lumumba V, Oluoch T, Robinson KA, and El-Sadr W
Journal: American Journal of Public Health (APR 2015) , 105(Suppl 2):S207-10; doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302511.
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Kenya
Does human resource management improve family planning service quality? Analysis from the Kenya Service Provision Assessment 2010
Author(s): Thatte N, and Choi Y.
Journal: Health Policy and Planning (APR 2015) , 30(3):356-67. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czu019.
Topic(s): Family Planning , Other
Country(s): Kenya
Individual and Contextual Determinants of Adequate Maternal Health Care Services in Kenya
Author(s): Achia TN, and Mageto LE.
Journal: Women & Health (MAR 2015) , 55(2):203-26. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2014.979971
Topic(s): Maternal Health
Country(s): Kenya
Association between Domestic Violence and HIV Serostatus among Married and Formerly Married Women in Kenya
Author(s): Elijah O. Onsomu, Benta A. Abuya, Irene N. Okech, David L. Rosen, Vanessa Duren-Winfield, and Amber C. Simmons
Journal: Health Care for Women International (FEB 2015) , 36(2): 205-228; DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2014.943840
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Kenya
Determinants of Postnatal Care Use in Kenya
Author(s): Daniel Akunga, Diana Menya, and Mark Kabue
Journal: African Population Studies (NOV 2014) , Vol 28, No 3; DOI:
Topic(s): Maternal Health
Country(s): Kenya
Factors affecting providers' delivery of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy: a five-country analysis of national service provision assessment surveys
Author(s): Maheu-Giroux M, and Castro MC.
Journal: Malaria Journal (NOV 2014) , 13:440. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-440.
Topic(s): Malaria , Maternal Health
Country(s): Kenya, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Multiple African Countries
What lies behind gender inequalities in HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from Kenya, Lesotho and Tanzania
Author(s): Sia D., Onadja Y., Nandi A., Foro A., and Brewer T.
Journal: Health Policy and Planning (OCT 2014) , 29(7):938-49. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czt075.
Topic(s): Gender , HIV/AIDS , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Kenya, Tanzania, Lesotho
Trends in childhood mortality in Kenya: The urban advantage has seemingly been wiped out
Author(s): E.W. Kimani-Murage, J.C. Fotso, T. Egondi, B. Abuya, P. Elungata, A.K. Ziraba, C.W. Kabiru, and N. Madise
Journal: Health and Place (SEP 2014) , 29: 95–103; doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.06.003
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Kenya
Prevalence and determinants of under-and over-nutrition among adult Kenyan women; evidence from the Kenya demographic and health survey 2008-09
Author(s): PK Masibo, E Buluku, D Menya, and VC Malit
Journal: East African Journal of Public Health (SEP 2014) , 11(1)
Topic(s): Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Kenya
Intergenerational comparison of education attainment and implications for empowerment of women in rural Kenya
Author(s): Edith Mukudi Omwami
Journal: Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography (AUG 2014) , Published online: 11 Aug 2014; DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2014.939152
Topic(s): Education , Gender , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Kenya
Determinants of Unmet Need for Family Planning among Women in Rural Kenya
Author(s): Benard Nyauchi, and Gilbert Omedi
Journal: African Population Studies (JUL 2014) , 28(2 Supplement): 999-1008; DOI:
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Kenya
Women’s Education, Empowerment, and Contraceptive Use in sub-Saharan Africa: Findings from Recent Demographic and Health Surveys
Author(s): Cecilia Larsson, and Maria Stanfors
Journal: African Population Studies (JUL 2014) , 28(2 Supplement): 1022-1034; DOI:
Topic(s): Education , Family Planning , Gender
Country(s): Multiple African Countries, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Zambia
Determinants of the Recent Rise in Childhood Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Kenya Demographic and Health Surveys, 1990 – 2003
Author(s): Collins O Opiyo, and Monika Sawhney
Journal: African Population Studies (JUL 2014) , 28(2 Supplement): 1182-1193; DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Kenya
Determinants of diarrhea among young children under the age of five in Kenya, evidence from KDHS 2008-09
Author(s): Samwel Mbugua, Eddison Musikoyo, Faith Ndungi, Richard Sang, Elizabeth Kamau-Mbuthia, and Douglas Ngotho
Journal: African Population Studies (JUL 2014) , 28(2 Supplement): 1046-1056; DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): Kenya
Reliability of demographic and socioeconomic variables in predicting early initiation of breastfeeding: a replication analysis using the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey data
Author(s): Dennis J Matanda, Maurice B Mittelmark, Helga B Urke, Dickson A Amugsi
Journal: BMJ Open (JUN 2014) , 4:e005194 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005194
Topic(s): Nutrition
Country(s): Kenya
Breast-, complementary and bottle-feeding practices in Kenya: stagnant trends were experienced from 1998 to 2009
Author(s): Dennis J. Matanda, Maurice B. Mittelmark, and Dorcus Mbithe D. Kigaru
Journal: Nutrition Research (JUN 2014) , Volume 34, Issue 6 , Pages 507-517
Topic(s): Nutrition
Country(s): Kenya
Examining the link between food prices and food insecurity: A multi-level analysis of maize price and birthweight in Kenya
Author(s): Kathryn Grace, Molly Brown, and Amy McNally
Journal: Food Policy (JUN 2014) , 46: 56-65; DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2014.01.010
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Nutrition
Country(s): Kenya
Access to Child Health Care, Medical Treatment of Sick Children and Childhood Mortality Relationships in Kenya
Author(s): Boniface Omuga K’Oyugi
Journal: Health (MAY 2014) , 6(11): 1152-1164; DOI: 10.4236/health.2014.611142
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality , Other
Country(s): Kenya
Acceptance of a malaria vaccine by caregivers of sick children in Kenya
Author(s): David I Ojakaa, Jordan D Jarvis, Mary I Matilu, and Sylla Thiam
Journal: Malaria Journal (MAY 2014) , 13:172; DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-172
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Malaria
Country(s): Kenya
Determinants of health insurance ownership among women in Kenya: evidence from the 2008-09 Kenya demographic and health survey
Author(s): James K Kimani, Remare Ettarh, Charlotte Warren, Ben Bellows
Journal: International Journal for Equity in Health (MAR 2014) , 13:27
Topic(s): Maternal Health
Country(s): Kenya
Male involvement in maternal healthcare as a determinant of utilisation of skilled birth attendants in Kenya
Author(s): Judith Nekesa Mangeni, Ann Mwangi, Samwel Mbugua, and Vincent Mukthar
Journal: East African Medical Journal (MAR 2014) , Vol. 89, No. 11
Topic(s): Gender , Health facilities/SPA surveys , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Maternal Health
Country(s): Kenya
Impact of Breastfeeding on Infant and Child Mortality with Varying Levels of Immunization and HIV/AIDS: Evidence from 2008/09 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey
Author(s): Boniface Omuga K’Oyugi
Journal: Social Sciences (FEB 2014) , 3(1): 9-16. doi: 10.11648/
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , HIV/AIDS , Infant and Child Mortality , Nutrition
Country(s): Kenya
Gender differences in HIV-related stigma in Kenya
Author(s): George C.T. Mugoya, and Kacey Ernst
Journal: AIDS Care (FEB 2014) , 26(2): 206-213; DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2013.808733
Topic(s): Gender , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Kenya
Child undernutrition in Kenya: trend analyses from 1993 to 2008–09
Author(s): Dennis J Matanda, Maurice B Mittelmark, and Dorcus Mbithe D Kigaru
Journal: BMC Pediatrics (JAN 2014) , 14:5, doi:10.1186/1471-2431-14-5
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Kenya
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