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Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction: Measurement Issues using Income and Non-Income Indicators
Authors: Klasen, Stephan
Source: World Development, 36(3): 420-445.
Topic(s): Economics
Country: Latin American/Caribbean
Published: JUN 2008
Abstract: Summary This paper first reviews the debate on the definition of pro-poor growth and argues that a relative definition has merits when defining the state of pro-poor growth, while an absolute definition is most suitable when analyzing the rate of pro-poor growth. The second contribution is to extend the pro-poor growth toolbox to non-income indicators. The analysis, applied to Bolivia, shows that this extension greatly improves our understanding of the distribution of change in non-income indicators, of the linkages between progress in income and non-income dimensions of poverty, and on the incidence of progress in non-income outcomes along the income distribution.