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Prevalence and correlates of physical, psychological, and sexual intimate partner violence in Bolivia
Authors: Meekers D, Pallin SC, and Hutchinson P.
Source: Global Public Health, 8(5):588-606. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2013.776093
Topic(s): Domestic violence
Country: Latin American/Caribbean
Published: MAR 2013
Abstract: Despite increasing awareness that domestic violence is a major public health problem, existing studies focus on physical and sexual violence and give little attention to psychological violence. This study uses data from the 2008 Bolivia Demographic and Health Surveys (BDHS) to examine the prevalence and correlates of physical, sexual, and psychological intimate partner violence in Bolivia. The results show that psychological intimate partner violence is extremely common (affecting nearly one in two women) and often occurs in addition to physical violence. While physical, psychological and sexual intimate partner violence have several common predictors, there are factors that only affect some types of violence. Common risk factors include urban residence, respondent's employment status and having witnessed interparental violence in childhood. Although marital status is not a risk factor for physical violence, unmarried cohabitation is a strong risk factor for psychological intimate partner violence. Our findings highlight the need for research to assess the potential consequences of psychological intimate partner violence, particularly for women's mental health.