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Determinants of Unmet Need for Modern Contraception and Reasons for Non-use among Married Women in Rural Areas of Burkina Faso
Authors: Stephen A Adebowale, and Martin E Palamuleni
Source: African Population Studies, 28(1): 499-514; DOI:
Topic(s): Contraception
Unmet need
Country: Africa
  Burkina Faso
Published: APR 2014
Abstract: Burkina-Faso (TFR=6.0) is among the top-ten high fertility countries world-wide and CPR (15%) among women is low. This study examined the factors associated with non-use of modern contraception among married women residing in the rural areas of Burkina-Faso. The study used 2010 Burkina Faso Demographic and Health Survey data-set and focussed on married women aged 15-49 years (n=7,191). Chi-square and logistic regression techniques were used for the analysis (a=5%). Mean number of living children was significantly higher among women who have UNMC (3.92) than those with met need (3.01). Modern CPR and UNMC among married women was 12.7% and 40.7% respectively. The multivariate analysis reveals that being married more than once increases the likelihood of UNMC (OR=1.304; C.I=1.0821.571, p<0.05). Husbands’ approval of FP is a protective factor of UNMC (OR=0.858; C.I=0.7560.975 0.7560.975, p<0.05). Husbands’ approval and health education on benefits of FP are important factors to consider in strategies aimed at reducing UNMC in Burkina-Faso. Keywords Unmet need; Modern Contraceptive; Rural women; Contraceptive Use; Burkina Faso