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Prevalence and Correlates of Violence against Women in Nepal: Findings from Nepal Demographic Health Survey, 2011
Authors: Absar Ahmad, and Abdul Jaleel
Source: Advances in Applied Sociology, 5:119-128. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2015.54011
Topic(s): Gender-based violence (GBV)
Women's status
Country: Asia
Published: MAR 2015
Abstract: Using data from a nationally representative sample of 3224 ever-married women interviewed as part of Nepal Demographic Health Survey—2011, this paper examined the prevalence and correlates of violence against women in Nepal. Results showed that one out of every two ever-married women aged 15 - 49 of the country experienced violence of any kind in their life. Odds of experiencing violence are higher among women of rural areas, women having low economic and educational status, and separated/divorced women. Having more children and alcohol consuming husbands also increase women’s chance of being victimised of violence in Nepal. KEYWORDS Violence against Women, Nepal Demographic Health Survey (NDHS), Ever-Married Women, Nepal