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Prevalence and socio-demographic determinants of any tobacco use and dual use in six countries of the WHO South-East Asia Region: Findings from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)
Authors: Dhirendra N Sinha, Rizwan A Suliankatchi, Ritvik Amarchand, and Anand Krishnan
Source: Nicotine & Tobacco Research , 18(5); DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntv286
Topic(s): Tobacco use
Country: Asia
  Multiple Asian Countries
Published: JAN 2016
Abstract: Background: Tobacco control is an important strategy to reduce the disease burden caused by several non-communicable diseases. An in-depth understanding of the socio-demographic variations in tobacco use is an important step in achieving effective tobacco control. Aims: We aimed to estimate the age-standardized prevalence of any tobacco use and dual tobacco use and determine their association with socio-demographic variables in six countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Maldives, Nepal and Timor Leste) of the WHO South-East Asia Region. Methods: The main outcome variables ‘any tobacco use’ and ‘current dual use’ were created from the latest available Demographic and Health Surveys data for each country. The prevalence estimates were weighted using sample weights and age standardized using the WHO standard population. Associations between the socio-demographic variables and tobacco use were calculated by performing multivariable logistic regression analysis. Analyses were performed in Stata 12 using ‘svyset’ and ‘svy’ commands. Results: The highest prevalence of any tobacco use among men was in Indonesia (76.4%) and among women in Nepal (15.7%). Also, Nepal had the highest prevalence of dual tobacco use in both men (17.9%) and women (1.5%). With regard to socio-demographic determinants, despite the inter-country variations, any and dual tobacco use were significantly associated with age, higher education, greater wealth, rural residence and ever-married marital status. The poor and uneducated had a higher odds ratio for these practices. Conclusion: Prevalence of dual tobacco use and its underlying socio-economic disparities should be taken into account for the planning of tobacco control activities in the region. Downloaded from by guest on Keywords: DHS, tobacco smoking, smokeless tobacco, dual use, prevalence, socio-economic determinants, SEAR.