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Women as perpetuators of domestic violence in Nigeria: Evidence from Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2003
Authors: Amos O Oyedokun
Source: European Journal of Social Sciences , 5(3):7-21
Topic(s): Domestic violence
Country: Africa
Published: FEB 2007
Abstract: This paper examines the role of women as the perpetuators of domestic violence in Nigeria using the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) conducted in 2003. Results show that most of the independent variables tested were significantly correlated with attitudes to wife battering. Also, age and the person having the final say on a woman’s health care were significant predictors of women holding on to modern views/ideas about wife battering (P< 0.05), while wealth index and the person having the final say on visits to family or relatives were significant predictors of women holding on to traditional ideas about wife battering (P< 0.05). The paper concludes that women with low socioeconomic status are more likely to hold on to traditional views or ideas about the acceptability of wife battering, thereby perpetuating the act in the near future. Recommendations on how to eradicate or reduce intimate partner violence were made in the paper.