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Rural-Urban Contraceptive Use in Uganda: Evidence from UDHS 2011
Authors: Bigala Paul, Adebowale Stephen Ayo, and Natal Ayiga
Source: Journal of Human Ecology, 52(3): 168-182; DOI:
Topic(s): Contraception
Rural-urban differentials
Country: Africa
Published: OCT 2017
Abstract: Knowledge of the different types of contraception is universal, yet their use is generally low incountries that are predominantly rural. The aim of this paper is to ascertain whether the place of residence is amajor factor in determining the use of contraceptives in Uganda. Data from the 2011 Uganda Demographic andHealth Survey was used to examine the role of the place of residence in the use of contraceptives among womenin Uganda. Factors such as education, status of women, and the desire for children by husbands play a significantrole in determining rural-urban differences in the use of contraceptives in Uganda. Place of residence is therefore,an important factor in determining use of contraceptive, especially among rural women. Improving the level ofeducation of rural women, their socio-economic status and educating husbands of the need to use contraceptives isnecessary in increasing uptake in the use of contraceptive. Key Words: Contraceptive Use Uganda, Rural-Urban Women Fertility