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Relationship between factors affecting contraception and fertility in Bangladesh
Authors: Kabir, A., Q.I. Ibrahim, L.A. Kawsar.
Source: International Quarterly of Community Health Education, Volume 24, Number 1 / 2005-2006
Topic(s): Contraception
Country: Asia
Published: AUG 2004
Abstract: Using the data derived from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey, the 1993-94 and 1996-97 Bangladesh Demographic and Health surveys, this study attempts to find the relationships between the factors affecting contraception and fertility among currently married women by using a linear recursive path model which provides direct and indirect relationships between the variables. The results suggest that women's status had a significant negative effect on childbearing and it had a significant positive effect on the use of contraception. It was also observed that higher incidence of child mortality led to a higher level of fertility.