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Sex Ratio at Birth in Urban India
Authors: Debolina Kundu, Rakesh Mishra, Arvind Pandey, Devender Singh
Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 57, issue 3
Topic(s): Economics
Son preference
Country: Asia
Published: JAN 2022
Abstract: An exploration of the trends and patterns of sex ratio at birth in urban India and the processes behind son preference suggests a systematic worsening of SRB with increasing urban district size classes. The likelihood of giving birth to a son at the first order is highest among women with a stated son preference, which continues to effect second and third order births, given the sex of the previous child. The interrelationship between SRB and educational attainment shows an inverted U-shape. A balanced SRB among poor women corroborates their unbiased gender preference. In contrast, wealthier women and those with exposure to mass media exhibit poor SRB, although they report a neutral preference.