Publications Catalog

Publication results for: Publication Type: "Fact Sheets" AND Publication Subtype: "Other Fact Sheets"

44 Publication(s)

FACT SHEETS - Other Fact Sheets
ID Title Published Publication SubType In Print
OF51 Mozambique DHS 2022-23 - Provincial Fact Sheets (Portuguese) 06/2024 Other Fact Sheets No
OF50 Tanzania DHS 2022 - Other Fact Sheets (English) 03/2024 Other Fact Sheets No
OF49 Burkina Faso DHS 2021 - Other Fact Sheets (French) 09/2023 Other Fact Sheets No
OF48 Gabon DHS 2019-21 - Maternal Health Fact Sheet (French) 07/2023 Other Fact Sheets No
OF43 National, State and Union Territory, and District Fact Sheets 2019-21 National Family Health Survey NFHS5 (English) 11/2021 Other Fact Sheets No
OF47 Gambia DHS 2019-20 - 8 Fact Sheets (English) 03/2021 Other Fact Sheets No
OF46 Infection Control and Readiness in Health Facilities (English) 05/2020 Other Fact Sheets No
OF45 Bangladesh SPA 2017 - Topical Fact Sheets (English) 02/2020 Other Fact Sheets No
OF44 Cameroon 2018 DHS - 5 Fact Sheets (English, French) 02/2020 Other Fact Sheets No
OF42 Mali 2018 DHS - 5 Fact Sheets (French) 08/2019 Other Fact Sheets No
OF41 Congo Democratic Republic SPA 2017-2018 (French) 01/2019 Other Fact Sheets No
OF40 Senegal 2017 DHS Maternal Health Fact Sheet (French) 09/2018 Other Fact Sheets No
OF37 Angola DHS 2015-16 - Teenage Fertility Fact Sheet (English, Portuguese) 06/2017 Other Fact Sheets No
OF36 Angola DHS 2015-16 - 6 Regional Fact Sheets (Portuguese) 06/2017 Other Fact Sheets No
OF34 Malawi 2015-16 DHS - Fact Sheet (English) 02/2017 Other Fact Sheets No
OF33 Malawi 2015-16 DHS - Child Health Fact Sheet (English) 02/2017 Other Fact Sheets No
OF32 Ghana DHS 2014 - Education in Ghana Fact Sheet (English) 05/2016 Other Fact Sheets No
OF31 National, State and Union Territory, and District Fact Sheets - 2015-16 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) (English) 01/2016 Other Fact Sheets No
OF28 Kenya DHS 2014 KIR - 47 Counties Fact Sheets (English) 09/2015 Other Fact Sheets No
OF30 Egypt DHS 2014 - 25 Government Fact Sheets (Arabic, English) 05/2015 Other Fact Sheets No
OF29 Egypt DHS 2014 - 4 Fact Sheets (Arabic, English) 05/2015 Other Fact Sheets No
OF25 Service Provision Assessment (SPA) Survey (English) 02/2015 Other Fact Sheets No
OF26 Togo DHS 2013-2014 - 3 Fact Sheets (French) 01/2015 Other Fact Sheets No
OF24 Quality of Care Indicators: Data from Service Provision Assessment (SPA) Surveys (English) 09/2014 Other Fact Sheets No
OF23 Nigeria DHS 2013 - 11 Zonal Fact Sheets (Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo) (English) 06/2014 Other Fact Sheets No
OF22 Guinea DHS 2012 - 2 Fact Sheets (French) 11/2013 Other Fact Sheets No
OF21 Kyrgyz Republic DHS 2012 - 5 Fact Sheets (English) 11/2013 Other Fact Sheets No
OF20 Tajikistan 2012 DHS - 5 Fact Sheets (Russian) (English) 11/2013 Other Fact Sheets No
OF19 Haiti DHS, 2012 - Fact Sheet (French) 04/2013 Other Fact Sheets No
OF18 Gabon DHS, 2012 - Fact Sheets (French) 04/2013 Other Fact Sheets No
OF17 Congo 2011-12 DHS Fact Sheets (French) 12/2012 Other Fact Sheets No
OF16 Cameroon 2011 DHS Fact Sheets (French) 09/2012 Other Fact Sheets No
OF15 Tanzania 2010 DHS Gender Based Violence Factsheet (English) 04/2011 Other Fact Sheets No
OF12 Nigeria 11 Zonal Fact Sheets (Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba) (English) 11/2009 Other Fact Sheets No
OF9 Ukraine 2007 DHS Fact Sheets (Ukrainian) (English) 09/2008 Other Fact Sheets No
OF10 Cambodia 2005 DHS Fact Sheets (English) 03/2007 Other Fact Sheets No
OF4 Kenya 2003 DHS Fertility & Family Planning Fact Sheet (English) 08/2006 Other Fact Sheets No
OF6 Nigeria 2003 DHS Gender Fact Sheet (English) 08/2006 Other Fact Sheets No
OF5 Kenya 2003 DHS Gender Fact Sheet (English) 08/2006 Other Fact Sheets No
OF3 Kenya 2003 DHS Maternal Health Fact Sheet (English) 08/2006 Other Fact Sheets No
OF8 Tanzania 2004 DHS Flyers (English) 02/2006 Other Fact Sheets No
OF7 Philippines 2003 DHS (Fertility and Health in the ARMM) (English) 01/2005 Other Fact Sheets No
OF2 West and Central Africa Nutrition Fact Sheet (English) 03/2004 Other Fact Sheets No
OF1 East and Southern Africa Nutrition Fact Sheet (English) 03/2004 Other Fact Sheets No