Publications Catalog

Publication results for: Country(s): "Ghana" AND Topic(s): "Child Health and Development"

15 Publication(s)  (Final Reports and Key Findings not included)

ID Title Published Publication SubType In Print
ATR9 Gender and Health Indicators in Ghana: Data from the 2008 Demographic and Health Survey (English) 08/2010 Atlas Reports Yes
WP193 Reducing Child Malnutrition through Mother's Birth Spacing: Evidence from Ghana (English) 08/2023 Working Papers No
WP153 Alternative and Complementary Metrics of Linear Growth for Tracking Global Progress in Child Nutritional Status (English) 09/2021 Working Papers No
AB18 Household Wealth Relative to Community Wealth: Associations with Specific Asset Ownership and Maternal and Child Health Indicators (AS76) - Analysis Brief (English) 10/2020 Analysis Briefs No
AS76 Household Wealth Relative to Community Wealth: Associations with Specific Asset Ownership and Maternal and Child Health Indicators (English) 09/2020 Analytical Studies No
AS68 Thermal Care and Umbilical Cord Care Practices and Their Association with Newborn Mortality (English) 09/2018 Analytical Studies Yes
WP135 Household and Community Risk Factors and Child Well-Being in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (English) 02/2018 Working Papers Yes
CR42 Levels and Trends in Maternal and Child Health Disparities by Wealth and Region in Eleven Countries with DHS Surveys (English) 08/2016 Comparative Reports Yes
WP116 Global Trends in Care Seeking and Access to Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Illnesses (English) 03/2015 Working Papers No
CR32 Indicators of Child Deprivation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Levels and Trends from the Demographic and Health Surveys (English) 12/2013 Comparative Reports Yes
WP98 Household Nucleation, Dependency and Child Health Outcomes in Ghana (English) 08/2013 Working Papers Yes
(Analytical Results (1-10) of 14 - show all)