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Covariates of HIV/AIDS Prevalence among Migrants and Non-migrants in India
Authors: Angad Singh, and S. K. Singh
Source: Demography India, Special Issue (2018): 44-56
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country: Asia
Published: OCT 2018
Abstract: Migration has been considered as an important marker of HIV epidemic in any community due to its potential to bridge the risk of STI/HIV infection among low, moderate and high-risk population irrespective of the places of origin or destination. This paper aims to analyze various contextual and behavioral factors influencing pathways linking migration and HIV/AIDS using data collected as part of the third round of Indian Demographic and Health Survey (2005-06, NFHS-3). The age-adjusted prevalence of HIV/AIDS among migrants was 1.4 times higher (44%) as compared to non-migrants (32%). Youth were more venerable to have HIV/AIDS irrespective of their migratory status. Frequent alcohol use and high-risk sexual behavior among migrants were other cofactors increasing the vulnerability of HIV infection. Lack of comprehensive knowledge and stigma about HIV/AIDS were found to have positive impact on the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among migrants. These findings demonstrate that the HIV prevention policy instruments should focus on addressing risky sexual behavior of migrants, especially among youth irrespective of their migratory status and they should be capacitated with knowledge and stigmas about HIV/AIDS.