Publications Summary

Document Type
Further Analysis
Publication Topic(s)
Family Planning
Philippines DHS, 1998
Recommended Citation
Laguna, Elma P., Anna Liza C. Po, and Aurora E. Perez. 2000. Contraceptive Use Dynamics in the Philippines: Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choices and Discontinuation. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 35. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ORC Macro.
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Publication Date
October 2000
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In the Philippines, the challenge of encouraging more couples to use contraceptives is still imperative. However, this mission is no longer limited to the adoption of contraception, but also includes the selection of appropriate methods that suit client needs and the maintenance of effective use over time. It is in this light that an analysis of contraceptive use dynamics focusing on the determinants of method choice and discontinuation is useful to better guide policy and program directions.


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