Publications Summary

Document Type
Further Analysis
Publication Topic(s)
Family Planning
Ethiopia DHS, 2000
Recommended Citation
Korra, Antenane. 2002. Attitudes Towards Family Planning and Reasons for Nonuse Among Women With Unmet Need for Family Planning in Ethiopia. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 40. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ORC Macro.
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Publication Date
January 2002
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On average, the level of total unmet need for contraception in sub-Saharan Africa is more than 20 percent. Ethiopia is one of the countries with a high level of unmet need. The 2000 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) indicates that the unmet need for family planning among currently married Ethiopian women is 36 percent, with 22 percent having a need for spacing and 14 percent having a need for limiting. In contrast, the met need for family planning is only 8 percent. Therefore, a major concern is which factors are contributing to the observed high level of unmet need for family planning in Ethiopia and which strategies can best bring about changes to the current situation. Many factors may contribute to the observed discrepancy in unmet need and met need; however, this study focuses on demographic and socioeconomic factors and individual perceptions and attitudes. The broad objective of this analysis is to examine the underlying factors of unmet need for family planning among Ethiopian women. Specifically, this study seeks to accomplish the following: 1) Analyze the characteristics of women with unmet need, 2) Examine attitudes toward family planning among women with unmet need, 3) Assess the major reasons for nonuse among women with unmet need, 4) Identify the main factors responsible for nonuse among women with unmet need for family planning.


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