Publications Summary
- Document Type
- DHS Final Reports
- Country(s)
- Uganda
- Survey
- Uganda DHS, 2011
- Language
- English
- Recommended Citation
- Uganda Bureau of Statistics -UBOS- and ICF International. 2012. Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2011. Kampala, Uganda: UBOS and ICF International.
- Download Citation
- RIS format / Text format / Endnote format
- Publication Date
- August 2012
- Publication ID
- FR264
Download this publication
Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2011 (PDF, 3147K)2011_Uganda_DHS-Vitamin_A_Addendum (PDF, 180K)
UDHS_2011_errata_sheet_28Feb2013 (All corrections have been made to the electronic version of the report on the website) (PDF, 79K)
Erratum_Uganda_2011 (The table and text have NOT been corrected in the electronic version of the report on the website.) (PDF, 446K)