Publications Summary

Document Type
Qualitative Research Studies
Publication Topic(s)
Gender, Youth
Recommended Citation
Henry, Rebecca and Clara Fayorsey. 2002. Coping with Pregnancy: Experiences of Adolescents in Ga Mashi, Accra. DHS Qualitative Research Studies No. 5. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ORC Macro.
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Publication Date
November 2002
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This study of the experiences of adolescents with becoming pregnant in the Ga Mashi neighborhood of Accra was conducted to understand how these young women coped with an unexpected pregnancy. Open-ended interviews about pregnancy history, knowledge of abortion, and personal experience in coping with a pregnancy were conducted with 30 young women, each one interviewed three times. The study found that most of these girls had only one boyfriend, that most were well informed about abortion, and that having a baby with a boyfriend was the first step in forming a stable union.


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