Publications Summary
- Document Type
- SPA Final Reports
- Country(s)
- Tanzania
- Survey
- Tanzania SPA, 2014-15
- Language
- English
- Recommended Citation
- Ministry of Health and Social Welfare - MoHSW/Tanzania, Ministry of Health - MoH/Tanzania, National Bureau of Statistics - NBS/Tanzania, Office of the Chief Government Statistician - OCGS/Tanzania, and ICF International 2015. Tanzania Service Provision Assessment Survey (TSPA) 2014-15. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: MoHSW/Tanzania, MoH/Tanzania, NBS/Tanzania, OCGS/Tanzania, and ICF International.
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- RIS format / Text format / Endnote format
- Publication Date
- February 2016
- Publication ID
- SPA22
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Tanzania Service Provision Assesment Survey 2014-15 (PDF, 4584K)ERRATUM 2014-15 Tanzania SPA (All corrections have been made to the electronic version of report on the website) (PDF, 18K)
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