Publications Summary
- Document Type
- SPA Final Reports
- Country(s)
- Senegal
- Survey
- Senegal SPA, 2016
- Language
- French
- Recommended Citation
- Agence Nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie ANSD/Sénégal and ICF. 2016. Sénégal : Enquête Continue sur la Prestation des Services de Soins de Santé (ECPSS) 2016. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ANSD/Sénégal and ICF.
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- RIS format / Text format / Endnote format
- Publication Date
- June 2017
- Publication ID
- SPA26
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Sénégal: Enquête Continue sur la Prestation des Services de Soins de Santé (ECPSS) 2016 (French) (PDF, 2610K)Erratum Sheet Jan 2018 (All corrections have been made to the electronic version of the report on the website) (PDF, 13K)
Sénégal: Enquête Continue sur la Prestation des Services de Soins de Santé (ECPSS) 2016 - Tableaux (French) There are NO hard copies available of this report (PDF, 3341K)