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Trend Reports
Armenia DHS, 2005
Recommended Citation
Johnson, Kiersten. 2007. Migration, Economy and Policy: Recent Changes in Armenia’s Demographic and Health Indicators: Further Analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys Data. DHS Trend Reports No. 3. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Macro International.
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Publication Date
July 2007
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Although only five years elapsed between the 2000 and 2005 Armenia Demographic and Health Surveys (ADHS), the country underwent considerable social and economic changes during this period. These changes, including population movement and increased disparities between poor and rich households, are associated with demographic and health outcomes for the population. Policy changes also produced measurable impacts on health and demographic outcomes. Many of the trends between the 2000 and 2005 ADHS surveys reflect the impact of considerable population movement. For example, in Armenia as a whole, children are nearly three times more likely to have a non- coresident father in 2005 as they were in 2000. In the same vein, the proportion of currently in-union mothers without a husband coresident has increased. This absence of husbands is related to the decrease in contraceptive use since 2000: the proportion of discontinuations ascribed to infrequent sex or husband absence doubled over the five- year period.


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