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Working Papers
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Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso MIS, 2017-18
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Tassembedo, Mahamadi, Soumaila Coulibaly, and Boukary Ouedraogo. 2020. Factors Associated with the Use of Insecticide-Treated Nets: Analysis of the 2018 Burkina Faso Malaria Indicator Survey. DHSWorking Paper No. 169. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF.
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Publication Date
August 2020
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Sleeping under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) is recommended by the World Health Organization to protect against mosquito bites. Individuals who sleep under an ITN reduce their contact with mosquitoes through the combination of a physical barrier and an insecticidal effect, which reduces the incidence of malaria. The 2016-2020 Burkina Faso National Malaria Strategic Plan aims to have at least 90% of the population, 100% of children under age 5, and 100% of pregnant women sleep under an ITN. To help achieve this goal, this analysis examines the factors that are associated with the use of ITN nets by using data from the 2017-18 Burkina Faso Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS). The analysis examines individual, household, and community-level factors associated with ITN usage. According to the 2017-18 Burkina Faso MIS, 58% of individuals in households that own at least one ITN reported that they slept under an ITN on the night before the survey. The use of ITNs was significantly associated with individual, household, and community-level variables that included age, gender, age of household head, number of sleeping rooms, wealth, malaria prevalence, residence, and region. The results highlight areas of intervention at the individual, household, and community levels that can increase ITN use. Targeting these areas will make it possible to improve the fight against malaria, which is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Burkina Faso.


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