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Further Analysis
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Family Planning
Philippines DHS, 1998
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Lamberte, Exaltacion E., Nanette R. Lee, Desiree Conception U. Garganian, and Andrew Kantner. 2000. Family Planning Service Utilization and Market Segmentation in the Philippines. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 34. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ORC Macro.
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Publication Date
October 2000
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Between 1993 and 1998, there was an increase in the use of contraceptives in the Philippines. Notable gains in modern method use were recorded, mainly for injectables and female sterilization. Women from poorer households and rural areas registered the most rapid gains in family planning use. The findings also suggest that efforts to raise levels of female schooling result in greater family planning use. The results also show that younger women tend to use contraceptives less. Employment of women and household wealth status have a positive relation with contraceptive use, especially for modern methods. Unemployed women are less likely to use contraceptives. The relation between the household wealth index and contraceptive use also demonstrates that women with a higher income more likely to use contraception than poor women. Contrary to expectations, spousal communication about family planning and geographic accessibility to service delivery points appear to be less critical in determining contraceptive use. Community attributes, as reflected by the type of residence and region, influence the use of contraception, although region is important only for modern methods. Women from rural areas are less likely to use contraceptives, although some improvement in rural prevalence is noted between 1993 and 1998. Modern method use improved substantially in Mindanao and areas of Luzon outside Manila over the same period. Women who were not visited by family planning field workers in the previous 12 months are less likely to use contraceptives. Visits to health facilities encourage greater use of contraceptives, particularly modern methods.


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