Publications Catalog

Adult Health Issues
Child Health and Development
Climate and environment
Domestic Violence
Family Planning
Female Genital Cutting
Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Geographic Information
Health facilities/SPA surveys
Household and Respondent Characteristics
Infant and Child Mortality
Maternal Health
Maternal Mortality
Mental Health
Non-communicable diseases
Survey Methodology, Data Quality, Analysis
(alphanumeric only and no special characters)
Publication results for: Publication Type: "Analytical" AND Publication Subtype: "Working Papers"

202 Publication(s)

ANALYTICAL - Working Papers
ID Title Published Publication SubType In Print
WP199 Status and Associated Factors of Health Insurance Enrollment in Nepal: Findings from the 2022 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (English) 01/2024 Working Papers No
WP195 Women’s Autonomy and Unintended Pregnancy among Reproductive Age Women in Pakistan (English) 08/2023 Working Papers No
WP194 Sub-national Analysis of Contraceptive Discontinuation among Women in Nigeria: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey (English) 08/2023 Working Papers No
WP193 Reducing Child Malnutrition through Mother's Birth Spacing: Evidence from Ghana (English) 08/2023 Working Papers No
WP191 Prevalence and Determinants of Mother and Newborn Skin-to-Skin Contact: An Assessment from the 2017-18 Bangladesh DHS Data (English) 08/2023 Working Papers No
WP192 Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Maternal Health Services: Findings from Nigerian Women of Reproductive Age (English) 07/2023 Working Papers Yes
WP190 Individual- and Community-level Correlates of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy in Ghana (English) 07/2023 Working Papers No
WP189 Design-based Small Area Estimation: A Nearest Neighbor Method for HIV Prevalence Estimation (English) 09/2022 Working Papers No
WP188 Examining the Association between Anemia and Early Childhood Development in 9 Low- and Middle-income Countries (English) 09/2022 Working Papers No
WP187 Harmful Cultural Traditions: An Analysis of Female Circumcision Practice in Maldives (English) 09/2022 Working Papers No
(Analytical Results (1-10) of 202 - show all)