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Document Type
Working Papers
Publication Topic(s)
Maternal Health
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Akinlo, Ambrose, Adeleke Bisiriyu, and Olapeju Esimai. 2013. Influence of Use of Maternal Health Care on Postpartum Contraception in Nigeria. DHS Working Papers No. 92. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ICF International.
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Publication Date
February 2013
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This study examines the relationship between the utilization of maternal health care and the postpartum use of contraception in Nigeria. Method: The analysis was based on the data from the Women’s Questionnaire and the calendar data from the 2008 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). Postpartum contraceptive use was analyzed from calendar data among postpartum women whose most recent birth was between January 2003 and one full year before the date of interview in 2008. The study employed the bivariate (nonparametric test) and multivariate (logistic regression model) methods to investigate the association between the outcome variable (postpartum use of contraception) and several independent variables reflecting use of maternal health care services (number of antenatal care visits, delivery in a health facility, and timing of the first postnatal check-up). Results: Overall, 8 percent of women used a modern method of contraception during the postpartum period. Almost half of the postpartum women (43 percent) made the WHO-recommended minimum number of four antenatal care visits. Only 35 percent of postpartum women delivered in a health facility. Just 40 percent of the women received a postnatal check-up within six weeks after last childbirth. The use of maternal health services (ANC visits and timing of postnatal check-up) is significantly associated with the use of a modern method of contraception during the postpartum period. Other significant predictors of the use of a modern method in the postpartum period include region, education, the household wealth index, and exposure to family planning messages. The findings suggest that contraceptive use among postpartum women will increase substantially if more women use maternal health care services, especially for antenatal care and postnatal care.


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