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Research and Further Analysis

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The DHS Program's in-house Research and Analysis team conducts rigorous, timely, and innovative mixed-methods research on topics related to global public health, demography, and social epidemiology. Our team also trains, mentors, and closely collaborates with fellow researchers and stakeholders who are driven to utilize DHS Program surveys and other survey data to inform programs and policies in various countries and contexts.

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DHS Research Reports

May 1996

Household Structure, Socioeconomic Level, and Child Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report provides some insight into variations in household structure in sub- Saharan Africa and the relationship of household structure and socioeconomic status to children's health outcomes.

Topics: Child Health and Development, Household and Respondent Characteristics, Wealth/Socioeconomics


Apr 1996

Urban Women's Employment Trajectories in Ghana and Bolivia

This study explores the nature, intensity and continuity of women's labor force participation in developing countries by examining data from the 1998 Ghana DHS and the 1989 Bolivia DHS..

Topics: Gender


Mar 1996

Contraceptive Knowledge, Use, and Sources

The principal aim of this report is to provide an update on patterns and trends in knowledge, use and sources of contraceptive methods, through a descriptive comparative analysis of the DHS II data..

Topics: Family Planning


Mar 1996

Men's Fertility, Contraceptive Use, and Reproductive Preferences

The role of men in the family-building process has been a concern in areas of the world where men are believed to hold views antagonistic to family planning.

Topics: Gender


Dec 1995

Childbearing Attitudes and Intentions

Based on national surveys in 28 developing countries, this study examines women's statements on their ideal family size, whether they desire more children, and if so, how long they would prefer to wait before the next birth.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Jun 1995

Unmet Need: 1990-1994

This study examines trends and differentials in key family planning indicators in 35 developing countries.

Topics: Family Planning


Jun 1995

An Assessment of the Quality of Data on Age at First Union, First Birth, and First Sexual Intercourse for Phase II of the Demographic and Health Surveys Program

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the date of first union and first birth, and age at first sexual intercourse for data that were collected during the second phase of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS II) program.

Topics:  --


Mar 1995

Assessment of the Quality of Data Used for Direct Estimation of Infant and Child Mortality in DHS-II Surveys

A series of five analyses of DHS I and DHS II data covering selected data quality and country-specifics topics.

Topics: Infant and Child Mortality


Jan 1995

Autonomy and Egyptian Women: Findings from the 1988 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey

In this study, data from the 1988 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) are used to explore the multidimensionality of Egyptian women's autonomy.

Topics: Gender


Dec 1994

Comparability of Questionnaires

This report documents the contents of questionnaire s used in 27 surveys conducted under Phase 1 of the Demographic and Health Surveys Programs.

Topics:  --