Press Releases

Nov 12, 2008
Overweight women in Africa more likely to have HIV infection

Calverton, MD – A new Macro International/MEASURE DHS study challenges widely held beliefs about “slim disease,” as HIV was once called. In a study of women in 12 sub-Saharan African countries, authors found that in 10 countries, HIV infection is higher among overweight women than among underweight women.

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Nov 12, 2008
Lack of basic health information threatens young people’s futures, global study finds

Calverton, MD – Across the developing world, thousands of young adults do not know how to protect themselves from HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, and unwanted pregnancies, according to a new global study on youth. Only about a third of young women in Egypt, Jordan, and Indonesia, for example, know that using condoms can reduce the risk of HIV infection.

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Oct 23, 2008
Namibians taking steps to prevent HIV

Windhoek, Namibia. More Namibians are getting tested for HIV, young people are waiting longer to start sexual activity, and use of condoms has increased, according to the new 2006-07 Namibia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) just released today. At the same time, the HIV epidemic continues to ravage the population.

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Oct 06, 2008
Macro International awarded MEASURE DHS Phase III contract

CALVERTON, MD. October 1, 2008-Macro today announced that it was awarded the MEASURE Phase III Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) contract for international survey research in population and health by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The five-year project will support the Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use Results (MEASURE) Program by serving as the Bureau for Global Health's primary demographic and health data collection effort.

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Sep 16, 2008
First-ever Demographic and Health Survey in DRC reveals low HIV prevalence, high fertility

Only one percent of Congolese adults are infected with HIV, reports the first ever Democratic Republic of Congo Demographic Health Survey. National prevalence is 1.3 percent, while prevalence is almost twice as high among women as among men (1.6 and 0.9 percent, respectively). Men and women living in urban areas are twice as likely to be infected as those in rural areas.

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