Deadline for submitting applications is January 12, 2024
2024 DHS Program Mentored Papers Program
The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is now accepting applications for the 2024 DHS Mentored Papers Program. Alumni of past DHS analysis training programs are eligible to apply. The Mentored Papers Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The 2024 Mentored Papers Program will be completely virtual. Each team will be paired with a DHS co-author. Together, they will be expected to jointly complete a publishable-quality journal manuscript in English using DHS Program data on one the following topics:
Climate and Health—Includes analyses of associations between climate change or environmental factors and demographic or health outcomes. Proposals for papers that combine DHS Program data (DHS, MICS, or SPA) and geospatial covariate (GC) datafiles are especially welcome. GC datafiles are extractions of environmental and other data from external sources that are spatially linked to DHS sample clusters. Paper proposals that combine other external data will be considered, pending approval of their quality (reliability) and confirmation that they can be matched to DHS program data appropriately by The DHS Program's geospatial experts.
Gender and Health—Includes analyses of relationships between gender and health factors or among gender measures. Papers in this topic area may address gender-based violence, women's empowerment, men's and boys' engagement, sexual and gender minorities (SGM), reproductive empowerment, decision-making, gender disparities, and/or measurement considerations related to gender or reproductive empowerment, male engagement, or gender-based violence.
Youth and Health—Includes analyses of the health-related aspects of adolescents and young adults. Research topics encompass sexual and reproductive health (including sexual debut, early childbearing/teenage pregnancy), mental health and well-being, health seeking behaviors, substance use, and access to youth-responsive healthcare services, or examination of social contexts (e.g., schooling, livelihoods, household structure) in relation to these topics. Proposals combining SPA data or data from national health and/or school surveys, school-based health records with DHS data are encouraged, with consideration for papers incorporating external sources to provide a comprehensive view of youth health.
For all tracks, proposals based on multi-country analyses or using multiple surveys in one country are encouraged.
Eligibility and Requirements
- We are accepting applications from the following countries - Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, India, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Philippines, and Tanzania.
- Applications are accepted from alumni of past DHS Fellows or DHS, MIS, or SPA Data Analysis workshops in survey countries. At least 1 applicant should be a DHS workshop alumni.
- Applicants have the choice to apply either together with a partner or separately. At least one applicant must have attended a DHS Workshop.
- Team members must be available for the entirety of the program (see anticipated timeline below).
- Survey country authors will develop papers with mentorship from and in collaboration with a co-author from the DHS Program. Selected applicants will be lead authors of the papers. USAID subject matter experts will also offer input to the author teams on the policy and programmatic relevance of each paper's research question and implications of the results for programming.
- The papers will be submitted to a relevant peer-reviewed journal and produced as a pre-print in the DHS Working Paper series.
- The language for the program is English.
Anticipated Timeline
November 30, 2023
Call for applications issued
January 12, 2024
Applications are due
January 29 - February 2, 2024
Finalists interviewed
February 9, 2024
Selected authors are notified
February 19, 2024
Program Kick off Meeting
February 19 - March 20, 2024
Author commitments and contracts secured; DHS co-author and USAID expert assigned
February 26-29, 2024
First consultative phone meeting between author team and USAID expert held
March 29 - April 30, 2024
Analysis plan finalized
May 1 - May 30, 2024
Results tables/figures (draft) produced
June 6, 2024
Program Check-in Meeting
June 6 - July 30, 2024
Interim drafts of papers produced
August 5 - 9, 2024
Second consultative phone meeting between author team and USAID expert held
August 22, 2024
Program Check-in Meeting
August 26 - September 30 2024
Final draft of papers submitted
September 30 - October 11, 2024
Authors respond to reviews and edits throughout the publication process for DHS Working Papers. |
October 11 - November 15, 2024
Authors prepare manuscript and submit to peer-reviewed journal |
Selection of participants will be primarily based on the merits of their proposal. Additional factors considered will be gender balance, fluency in English and previous experience in data use and statistical analysis.
Each participant will be awarded a $2,000 honorarium to cover research expenses which will be paid in installments based upon satisfactory completion of the deliverables. Incomplete or late submissions will be deducted from this payment.
Application Procedure
Each team should submit a single application that contains the following items in PDF format:
A completed team application form
A brief, original paper proposal (1 to 2 pages) with the following sections clearly described
rationale and research question
scope of analysis (including including DHS Surveys, variables and analytical approaches)
potential policy implications. Indicate if other data sources will be combined with DHS data in your analysis. Single country and multiple country analyses will be considered.
In addition, the joint application should include the following from each team member:
a curriculum vitae with complete contact information and a list of publications
information about their DHS data, statistics, and programming experience
a brief description of their experience, key takeaways, and any applications of what was learned in the DHS Fellows Program or Analysis Workshop attended.
If selected, each candidate will be asked to provide written confirmation of their availability throughout 2024.
Contact Information
Please send inquiries to The DHS Program, ICF, 530 Gaither Road, Suite 500, Rockville, MD USA 20850. Email:
Please see our privacy policy for workshop applications.
>>> The application period is closed. <<<