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Search returned: 8 Survey(s)
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Country/Year Type Status Phase Recode Dates of Fieldwork Final Report Survey Datasets GPS Datasets HIV/Other
SPA Datasets
Jordan 2023 Standard DHS Completed DHS-8 DHS-8 01/2023- 06/2023 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Jordan 2017-18 (1) Standard DHS Completed DHS-7 DHS-7 10/2017- 01/2018 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Jordan 2012 Standard DHS Completed DHS-VI DHS-VI 09/2012- 12/2012 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Jordan 2009 Interim DHS Completed DHS-VI DHS-V 10/2009- 12/2009 Available Data Available Not Collected Not Collected Not Applicable
Jordan 2007 Standard DHS Completed DHS-V DHS-V 06/2007- 11/2007 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Jordan 2002 Standard DHS Completed DHS-IV DHS-IV 07/2002- 09/2002 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Jordan 1997 Standard DHS Completed DHS-III DHS-III 06/1997- 10/1997 Available Data Available Not Collected Not Collected Not Applicable
Jordan 1990 Standard DHS Completed DHS-II DHS-II 10/1990- 12/1990 Available Data Available Not Collected Not Collected Not Applicable
  1. 1) In the 2017-18 Jordan DHS, height and weight data were collected for women aged 15-49 and for children less than 60 months old. However, analysis demonstrated that the data for children were unreliable; therefore, height and weight data of children were not included in the distribution recode file. Registered users who require access to the recode dataset with children anthropometric data, may send a request to: The DHS Data Archive at