Survey Characteristics Search

Search returned: 8 Survey(s)
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Country/Year Type Status Phase Recode Dates of Fieldwork Final Report Survey Datasets GPS Datasets HIV/Other
SPA Datasets
Liberia 2022 MIS Completed DHS-8 DHS-8 10/2022- 12/2022 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Liberia 2019-20 Standard DHS Completed DHS-7 DHS-7 10/2019- 02/2020 Available Data Available Data Available Not Yet Available Not Applicable
Liberia 2016 MIS Completed DHS-7 DHS-7 09/2016- 11/2016 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Liberia 2013 (1) Standard DHS Completed DHS-VI DHS-VI 03/2013- 07/2013 Available Data Available Data Available Data Available Not Applicable
Liberia 2011 MIS Completed DHS-VI DHS-VI 09/2011- 12/2011 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Liberia 2009 (2) MIS Completed DHS-V DHS-V 12/2008- 03/2009 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Liberia 2007 Standard DHS Completed DHS-V DHS-V 12/2006- 04/2007 Available Data Available Data Available Data Available Not Applicable
Liberia 1986 Standard DHS Completed DHS-I DHS-I 02/1986- 07/1986 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
  1. 1) Testing water samples for E. coli took place in a subset of clusters.
  2. 2) Anemia testing was done for children only