Survey Characteristics Search

Search returned: 5 Survey(s)
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Country/Year Type Status Phase Recode Dates of Fieldwork Final Report Survey Datasets GPS Datasets HIV/Other
SPA Datasets
Benin 2017-18 Standard DHS Completed DHS-7 DHS-7 11/2017- 02/2018 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Benin 2011-12 (1) Standard DHS Completed DHS-VI DHS-VI 12/2011- 03/2012 Available Data Available Data Available Not Distributed Not Applicable
Benin 2006 (2) Standard DHS Completed DHS-V DHS-V 08/2006- 11/2006 Available Data Available Not Collected Not Distributed Not Applicable
Benin 2001 Standard DHS Completed DHS-IV DHS-IV 08/2001- 11/2001 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
Benin 1996 Standard DHS Completed DHS-III DHS-III 06/1996- 08/1996 Available Data Available Data Available Not Collected Not Applicable
  1. 1) The HIV Test Data were not scrambled, and are therefore not available for analysis.
  2. 2) The HIV Test Data were not scrambled, and are therefore not available for analysis.