Anemia questions
Anemia questions Questions about anemia and the treatment of anemia. This does not include anemia testing which is recorded as a biomarker. Can be asked of women and/or men. |
Calendar The DHS calendar is a month by month history of certain key reproductive and contraceptive key events in the life of the woman respondent for the 5 years preceding the interview. |
Cervical cancer screening questions
Cervical cancer screening questions Questions asking women if they have been screened for cervical cancer. In DHS-8, these questions are included in the core questionnaire and additional questions are included in the chronic diseases module. |
Cooking fuel
Cooking fuel A question asking the household respondent about the type of cooking fuel used by the household. These are included as part of the core questionnaire. |
Iodine salt test
Iodine salt test Household salt tested for the presence of iodine. |
Migration Questions asking individuals about their prior residences if they have moved since birth. Can be asked of women and/or men. |
Paper survey
Paper survey Interviews conducted with paper questionnaires which are later entered into a computer at a central office. |
Prenatal care - folic acid
Prenatal care - folic acid Questions asking women if they took folic acid supplements during the pregnancy for her last live birth. |
Social marketing
Social marketing Questions asking individuals about the brands of condoms and pills used by respondents to identify the social marketing brands used in the country. Condom brands can be asked of women and/or men. |
Vitamin A questions
Vitamin A questions Questions on whether a child received a vitamin A dose recently, or whether the mother received a dose after a delivery. These are included as part of the core questionnaire. |
Women's status
Women's status Questions asking individuals about decision-making, ownership of house/land, use of banks, and other related questions. Can be asked of women and/or men. These are included as part of the core questionnaire. |