Survey Summary

Uganda: Standard AIS, 2004-05
Atlas Reports
AIS Final Reports
HIV Fact Sheets
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Survey Datasets
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HIV Testing
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Country: Uganda
Contract Phase: DHS-V
Recode Structure: DHS-V
Implementing Organization: Ministry of Health
Fieldwork: August 2004 - January 2005
Status: Completed
Households: Sample Size: 9529
Female: All Women
Age: 15 to 59
Sample Size: 10826
Male: All Men
Age: 15 to 59
Sample Size: 8830
Facilities: N/A
Survey Characteristics
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Birth registration
  • Hepatitis B testing
  • Herpes simplex virus
  • HIV behavior
  • HIV knowledge
  • HIV testing
  • HIV testing - children
  • HIV testing - DBS
  • Male circumcision self-reported
  • Men's survey
  • Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
  • Paper survey
  • Syphilis testing
  • Tuberculosis questions
  • Youth