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The DHS Program's in-house Research and Analysis team conducts rigorous, timely, and innovative mixed-methods research on topics related to global public health, demography, and social epidemiology. Our team also trains, mentors, and closely collaborates with fellow researchers and stakeholders who are driven to utilize DHS Program surveys and other survey data to inform programs and policies in various countries and contexts.

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DHS Research Reports

Sep 2021

Guidance and Recommendations for the Use of Indicator Estimates at Subnational Administrative Level 2

The Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) are designed to provide reliable estimates of survey indicators primarily at the national level, as well as the first subnational administrative level.

Topics: Geographic Information


Sep 2021

Spatial Modeling for Subnational Administrative Level 2 Small-Area Estimation

Subnational estimates of the health and demographic indicators recorded in the Demographic and Health Surveys Program are of great importance for prioritizing resources and assessing if target levels for indicators are being attained.

Topics: Geographic Information


Sep 2021

Supplementary Appendices: Supplementary Information for Spatial Modeling for Subnational Administrative Level 2 Small-Area Estimation

Spatial Analysis combines the detailed geographic data collected in the DHS surveys with other DHS or 3rd party data to provide geographic analysis of key demographic and health topics..

Topics: Geographic Information


Aug 2021

Levels and Trends of Infertility and Childlessness

Infertility is a significant reproductive health issue for couples worldwide.

Topics:  --


Aug 2021

Correlates of Secondary Infertility

The experience of infertility has social, economic, and psychological effects on women and their partners.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Aug 2021

Measurement Approaches for Effective Coverage Estimation

Effective coverage is increasingly being used to evaluate maternal and child health programs.

Topics: Child Health and Development, Health facilities/SPA surveys, Maternal Health


Aug 2021

Understanding the Link between Children's Living Arrangements and Children's Vulnerability, Care, and Well-being: The Role of Household-based Surveys

This paper examines the role that household surveys – such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) – can play in increasing our understanding of the influence of living arrangements on children’s vulnerability, care, and well-being.

Topics: Child Health and Development


Aug 2021

Review of Health Facility Referrals for Severe Malaria in DHS Program Surveys

This paper examines the severe malaria referral process for 188,686 children tested for malaria and anemia in 37 surveys across 19 countries in sub-Saharan Africa collected between 2011 and 2018.

Topics: Malaria


Jul 2021

Young Women's Empowerment and Fertility Intentions

Fertility intentions among young women are important drivers of future fertility trends.

Topics: Family Planning, Youth


Jul 2021

Comparing Ideal and Completed Family Size: A Focus on Women in Low-and Middle-Income Countries with Unrealized Fertility

The study of fertility preferences in relation to the number of children is important for understanding the factors that contribute to fertility levels.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences, Wealth/Socioeconomics