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Research and Further Analysis

DHS training

The DHS Program's in-house Research and Analysis team conducts rigorous, timely, and innovative mixed-methods research on topics related to global public health, demography, and social epidemiology. Our team also trains, mentors, and closely collaborates with fellow researchers and stakeholders who are driven to utilize DHS Program surveys and other survey data to inform programs and policies in various countries and contexts.

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DHS Research Reports

Sep 1997

Components of Unexpected Fertility Decline in Sub-Saharan Africa

The statistical relationship derived from a linear regression of contraceptive prevalence on the total fertility rate indicates that an increase of 15 percentage points in contraceptive prevalence among married women is associated with a decline of about one child in the total fertility rate.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Sep 1997

DHS Maternal Mortality Indicators: An Assessment of Data Quality and Implications for Data Use

This report is a compilation of the maternal mortality data collected in 14 DHS surveys.

Topics: Maternal Mortality


Sep 1997

Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Households

This report provided information on the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of households for 41 countries under the DHS II and DHS III programs.

Topics: Household and Respondent Characteristics


Sep 1997

Maternal Health Care

The purpose of this report is to present and discuss the data related to maternal health which have been collected in the second and third phases of the DHS.

Topics: Gender, Maternal Health


Aug 1997

Gender Preferences for Children

Parental preferences for daughters or sons exhibit a wide variety of patterns throughout the world.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences, Gender


May 1997

An Analysis of Sample Designs and Sampling Errors of the Demographic and Health Surveys

This analytical study has been described as the handbook "champion" of sampling errors and design effects in survey samples.

Topics:  --


Apr 1997

Mass Media and Reproductive Behavior in Africa

This report analyses the impact of mass media on the fertility transition as mass media messages often compete with traditional notions of early child bearing and large families.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Mar 1997

Childhood Immunization: 1990-1994

This report aims to present comparative survey findings related to childhood vaccination against the six vaccine preventable diseases.

Topics: Child Health and Development


Dec 1996

Status of Women: Indicators for Twenty-five Countries

This study utilizes the household and individual level information available in the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program to compare women's status across 25 countries throughout the developing world..

Topics: Education, Gender, Wealth/Socioeconomics


Aug 1996

Infant and Child Mortality, 1996

The aim of this report is to assist in the formulation of child health policy and the evaluation of programs intended to improve the well-being and survival prospects of young children.

Topics: Infant and Child Mortality