youth key indicators

 Kenya 2003 DHS

Key Indicators for Youth age 15-24

Women Men
Number of youth interviewed: 3,547 1,537
Number of youth who had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey: 1,826 717
Number of young women who had a live birth in 5 years preceding the survey: 1,427 na
  Women Men
1. Background Characteristics
1.1 Illiteracy
Percentage of youth who cannot read
15-19 14.0 10.6
20-24 13.9 8.9
15-24 14.0 9.8
1.2 Education
Percentage of youth with completed primary education
15-19 43.5 37.4
20-24 65.0 68.7
15-24 53.8 51.3
1.3 Exposure to mass media
Percentage of youth exposed to at least one media source (newspaper, radio, television) at least once a week
15-19 77.4 89.1
20-24 82.8 95.3
15-24 80.0 91.8
1.4 Employment
Percentage of youth employed in the 12 months preceding the survey
15-19 31.6 28.5
20-24 59.2 78.8
15-24 44.8 50.8
1.5 Current marital status
Percentage of youth currently married
15-19 13.9 1.3
20-24 49.4 17.1
15-24 30.8 8.3
1.6 Cohabiting
Percentage of youth currently living together
15-19 4.0 0.0
20-24 7.6 1.3
15-24 5.7 0.6
Note: "living together" designates an informal union
1.7 Age at first marriage
Percentage of youth age 15-24 married by age 15 3.7 0.0
Percentage of youth age 20-24 married by age 18 24.6 2.5
1.8 Age at first sexual intercourse
Percentage of youth who had sexual intercourse before age 15
15-19 14.5 30.9
20-24 12.8 26.2
15-24 13.7 28.8
Percentage of youth who had sexual intercourse before age 18
18-24 50.7 62.8
Median age at first sexual intercourse
15-24 14.8 13.2
1.9 Wealth Index
Percentage of youth age 15-24 living in households in the following wealth quintiles
Lowest 15.1 15.1
Second 17.6 18.6
Middle 19.0 20.3
Fourth 21.5 22.6
Highest 26.7 23.4
1.10 Use of tobacco
Percentage of youth who use tobacco products (smoke cigarettes/pipe or use other tobacco products)
15-19 1.0 5.5
20-24 1.2 21.9
15-24 1.1 12.8
  Women Men
2. Fertility and Family Planning
2.1 Teenage pregnancy and motherhood
PPercentage of youth (age 15-19) who have begun childbearing* 23.0 na
Percentage of youth age 15-19 who have ever been pregnant 23.7 na
* Women who have had a live birth or who are pregnant with their first child
2.2 Fertility desires
Mean ideal number of children for youth
15-19 3.6 4.1
20-24 3.4 3.7
15-24 3.5 3.9
Note: Number of women who gave a numeric response
2.3 Contraceptive methods knowledge and use
Percentage of youth currently using a modern contraceptive method
15-19 4.8 na
20-24 16.8 na
15-24 10.6 na
Percentage of sexually active youth who have ever used any contraceptive method
15-19 40.6 na
20-24 61.0 na
15-24 55.2 na
Percentage of never-married youth currently using a modern contraceptive method
15-19 3.1 na
20-24 6.7 na
15-24 4.1 na
Percentage of never-married youth who have never had sex but know about a modern method of contraception
15-19 0.2 0.3
20-24 0.3 0.8
15-24 0.2 0.4
2.4 Unmet need for family planning
Percentage of currently married youth who do not want any more children, or want to wait at least 2 years before having a child
15-19 27.8 na
20-24 32.4 na
15-24 31.2 na
  Women Men
3. Domestic Violence and Women's Empowerment
3.1 Physical violence
Percentage of youth who experienced any physical violence in the 12 months preceding the survey
15-19 25.8 na
20-24 19.3 na
15-24 22.7 na
3.2 Forced at sexual initiation
Percentage of youth who have had sexual intercourse and who say that their first experience was against their will
15-19 u na
20-24 u na
15-24 u na
3.3 Violence by spouse
Percentage of ever-married youth who have experienced any violence (physical, sexual, or emotional) by their current or most recent husband/partner
15-19 30.6 na
20-24 33.5 na
15-24 32.7 na
Note: Women not currently married were asked questions about the behavior of their most recent husband/partner using the past tense
3.4 Decision making
Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 who make specific decisions either by themselves or jointly with their husband/partner
own health care 33.9 na
visits to friends and relatives 25.7 na
making major household purchases 11.6 na
3.5 Gender attitudes
Percentage of currently married men age 15-24 who think wife alone should have the greater say or should have equal say with her husband on
making major household purchases na 36.3
visit her family or relatives na 43.3
what to do with the money wife earns na 54.6
how many children to have na 57.2
Percentage of youth who agree with at least one specified reason for beating wife
15-19 69.2 73.1
20-24 66.1 63.8
15-24 67.7 69.0
Note: Burns the food, argues with husband, goes out without telling the husband, neglects the children, refuses to have sex with husband
  Women Men
4. Nutritional Status
4.1 Undernutrition
Percentage of youth underweight (BMI <18.5)
15-19 20.4 u
20-24 9.3 u
15-24 15.3 u
Note: The Body Mass Index (BMI) is expressed as the ratio of weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters (kg/m2)
4.2 Overnutrition
Percentage of youth overweight/obese (BMI ≥ 25.0 )
15-19 8.1 u
20-24 17.1 u
15-24 12.2 u
Note:The Body Mass Index (BMI) is expressed as the ratio of weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters (kg/m2)
4.3 Anemia
Percentage of youth with any anemia (women < 12.0 g/dl; pregnant women < 11.0 g/dl)
15-19 na u
20-24 na u
15-24 na u
Note: Prevalence is adjusted for altitude
  Women Men
5. Maternal Health
5.1 Among youth whose most recent live birth was in the 5 years preceding the survey
Percentage who received antenatal care from a skilled provider
15-19 81.8 na
20-24 89.5 na
15-24 87.6 na
Note: Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, midwife and auxiliary nurse/midwife
Percentage who gave birth in a health facility
15-19 47.3 na
20-24 47.0 na
15-24 47.1 na
Percentage whose baby was delivered by a skilled provider
15-19 48.5 na
20-24 49.0 na
15-24 48.9 na
Note: Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, midwife and auxiliary nurse/midwife
  Women Men
6.1 HIV Prevalence and testing
Percentage of youth HIV positive
15-19 3.0 0.4
20-24 9.0 2.4
15-24 5.9 1.2
Percentage of youth who were tested for HIV and received the results in the 12 months preceding the survey
15-19 8.1 4.9
20-24 10.5 9.2
15-24 9.6 7.6
Note: Among youth who had sexual intercourse in the past 12 months
6.2 Knowledge about HIV/AIDS
Percentage of youth who knows the following ways of reducing the risk of getting AIDS:
-abstaining from sexual intercourse
15-19 74.2 80.5
20-24 80.0 93.4
15-24 76.9 86.2
-limiting sexual intercourse to one uninfected partner
15-19 72.0 77.2
20-24 82.9 92.5
15-24 77.2 84.0
-using condoms
15-19 52.6 60.4
20-24 65.1 78.1
15-24 58.6 68.3
Note: Using a condom every time they have sexual intercourse
Percentage of youth age 15-24 who knows that HIV can be transmitted by breastfeeding AND that MTCT can be prevented by the mother taking special drugs during pregnancy
15-19 21.4 21.0
20-24 31.1 31.3
15-24 26.0 25.5
Percentage of youth who knows a healthy looking person can have AIDS virus
15-19 78.3 79.0
20-24 87.8 94.6
15-24 82.9 85.9
Percentage of youth with comprehensive knowledge of AIDS
15-19 27.3 35.9
20-24 40.9 61.4
15-24 33.8 47.2
Note: Comprehensive knowledge means knowing that consistent use of condoms and having just one uninfected faithful partner can reduce the likelihood of getting the AIDS virus, knowing that a healthy looking person can have the AIDS virus, and rejecting the two most common local misconceptions about AIDS transmission and prevention.
Percentage of youth with knowledge of a source of condoms
15-19 42.3 63.4
20-24 63.2 89.8
15-24 52.3 75.1
Note: Friends, family members and home are not considered sources of condoms
6.3 Multiple sex partners
Percentage of youth who had sex with two partners or more in the 12 months preceding the survey among those who had sex during the period
15-19 4.4 24.1
20-24 2.5 24.3
15-24 3.1 24.2
6.4 Age mixing
Percentage of youth age 15-19 who had sexual intercourse with a nonmarital, noncohabiting partner in last 12 months, with a man who was at least 10 years older than themselves
15-19 3.6 na
6.5 Recent sexual activity
Percentage of never-married youth who had sex in last 12 months preceding the survey
15-19 17.6 28.8
20-24 30.8 58.9
15-24 21.5 40.5
6.6 Higher-risk sex and condom use at last higher-risk sex
Percentage of youth who had sexual intercourse with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the 12 months preceding the survey.
15-19 46.7 97.1
20-24 21.4 77.2
15-24 30.0 84.4
Percentage of youth who used a condom at last higher-risk sex in the 12 months preceding the survey
15-19 23.4 41.3
20-24 27.6 50.7
15-24 25.4 46.8

na Not applicable u Unknown (data not collected or insufficient data to calculate indicator)