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Research and Further Analysis

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The DHS Program's in-house Research and Analysis team conducts rigorous, timely, and innovative mixed-methods research on topics related to global public health, demography, and social epidemiology. Our team also trains, mentors, and closely collaborates with fellow researchers and stakeholders who are driven to utilize DHS Program surveys and other survey data to inform programs and policies in various countries and contexts.

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DHS Research Reports

Apr 2013

Demographic Patterns of HIV Testing Uptake in Sub-Saharan Africa

HIV testing is an integral component of HIV prevention strategies and provides a gateway to treatment and care.

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Dec 2012

Education and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Longitudinal Perspective

The study analyzes long-term trends in level of education and their relationships with the fertility transition.

Topics: Education, Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Sep 2012

Unmet Need for Modern Contraceptive Methods

The main objective of this report is to document current levels and trends since 1990 in the unmet need for modern family planning methods with an emphasis on analysis of the covariates of unmet need.

Topics: Family Planning


Sep 2012

HIV-Related Knowledge and Behaviors among People Living with HIV in Eight High HIV Prevalence Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

This study uses data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) in eight high HIV prevalence countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe) to assess HIV-related knowledge and behaviors among people living with HIV (PLHIV).

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Sep 2012

Integration of HIV and Family Planning Health Services in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report provides a review of the current literature on integration of HIV-related services with other areas of service delivery that have important synergies with HIV services.

Topics: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS


Sep 2012

Anemia as an Impact Measure of ITN Use among Young Children

To investigate the utility of moderate-to- severe anemia as an impact measure of malaria control interventions we analyzed data from countries that had two or more Demographic and Health Surveys or Malaria Indicator Surveys conducted between 2001 and 2011 containing information on insecticide-treated net (ITN) use and hemoglobin levels in children 6-23 months of age.

Topics: Anemia


Sep 2012

Improving Estimates of Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Net Coverage from Household Surveys: Using Geographic Coordinates to Account for Endemicity and Seasonality

Estimates of ITN use can be biased downward in countries with substantial variation in malaria endemicity or when part of the country is surveyed outside malaria season and the other part during.

Topics: Geographic Information, Malaria


Sep 2012

Trends in Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Behaviors

This report discusses the current status and trends over time of key indicators relevant to adolescent sexual and reproductive health using data from 41 countries from surveys conducted between 1990 and 2011.

Topics: Youth


Jun 2012

Women's and Men's Experience of Spousal Violence in Two African Countries: Does Gender Matter?

To better understand the role of gender in intimate partner violence (IPV) outside the developed world, this report compares the experiences of married men and married women with spousal violence, the most common form of IPV, using data from two sub-Saharan African countries, Ghana and Uganda.

Topics: Domestic Violence, Gender


Apr 2012

How Family Planning Supply and the Service Environment Affect Contraceptive Use: Findings from Four East African Countries

By linking Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) and Service Provision Assessment (SPA) surveys, this study measures the extent to which women’s contraceptive use is associated with regional facility-based family planning supply and service environment in four African countries: Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Topics: Family Planning