DHS in the News

Journalists worldwide write about The DHS Program results. The dissemination of DHS, SPA and HIV data is often widely covered by media in survey countries, but journalists also use The DHS Program data throughout the year as background information for their stories, or to compare health and development indicators across countries. These data are also used by journalists in the United States and other developed countries, as it is considered the gold standard of population, health and nutrition data. Below are some examples of recent news coverage. Please note: The links below are to websites outside The DHS Program.

Feb 11, 2020
Human Development is the Best Contraceptive—Why India Does Not Need a Two-Child Norm

Poonam Muttreja (Think Global Health)

"...According to the National Family Health Survey-4, a large survey of households in India, in 2015-16, the total desired fertility rate was 1.8 while the actual total fertility rate was 2.2..."

Jan 31, 2020
In Egypt, 12-year-old girl dies after genital circumcision

Noha Elhennawy

"...a 2015 government survey found that 87% percent of all Egyptian women between 15 and 49 years of age have been circumcised..."

Dec 25, 2019
When Gavi Came To Visit Nigeria

"According to the National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), in 2008 DPT3/Penta3 vaccine coverage was 35%, increasing to 38% in 2013 and 50.1% in 2018."

Dec 10, 2019
Report reveals sex exploitation still rampant at workplaces in Malawi

Watipaso Mzungo

"...one-third of women have ever experienced physical violence since the age of 15, one in five women have ever experienced sexual violence and more than four in 10 married have experienced spousal violence, whether or sexual or emotional."

Dec 10, 2019
Why this answer of Zozibini Tunzi at Miss South Africa 2019 is powerful

"Yet in the Philippines, 1 in 20 women and girls age 15-49 have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey..."
