DHS in the News

Journalists worldwide write about The DHS Program results. The dissemination of DHS, SPA and HIV data is often widely covered by media in survey countries, but journalists also use The DHS Program data throughout the year as background information for their stories, or to compare health and development indicators across countries. These data are also used by journalists in the United States and other developed countries, as it is considered the gold standard of population, health and nutrition data. Below are some examples of recent news coverage. Please note: The links below are to websites outside The DHS Program.

Jul 25, 2017
Breastfeeding helps mothers as well

Ayesha Hassan

"The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data on child feeding practices and nutritional status of children suggests that almost two-thirds of children under the age of three years in Bihar (65%) are not breastfed within one hour of birth. In Bihar, 41.8% children are breastfed after one hour of birth in urban areas and just 34.2% in rural areas...."


Jul 20, 2017
NFHS4 shows decreasing trend in under age marriages


"As per the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-4 (2015-16), the percentage of women in the age group 20-24 married before age 18 years is 26.8 which was 47.4 in National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-3 (2005-06), thus showing decreasing trend..."

Jul 18, 2017
In Uganda government to Introduce Oral HIV Self Test Kit

Emmanuel Ainebyoona
ALL AFRICA (Kampala)

"According to the recently released Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016, about 47 per cent of men aged between 15 and 49 had ever tested and received their HIV status results in the last 12 months compared to 55 per cent of the women..."

Jul 14, 2017
Uganda Check Teenage Pregnancy to Control High Population


"One major issue that Uganda continues to suffer was mentioned in passing. The high teenage pregnancy rate that stands at 25 per cent, according to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016..."

Jul 11, 2017
Govt launches new injectable contraceptive to check population growth

Neetu Chandra Sharma
LIVE MINT (New Delhi)

"According to the recent National Family Health Survey (NFHS) IV data, the unmet need of contraceptives is 12.9% and this contributes to undesired fertility due to lack of access..."
